
So the localization decided to censor, lame. Leave it as its written. The world is already too politically correct.

My wife and I do a podcast (All That Glittered, it’s on iTunes, I know you won’t check it out and I forgive you for that) which actually tackled the question of whether Sonic is fun or if we all just remember it that way! The show’s conceit is that we take things that one of us loved as a kid but which the other

Gotta get the widow skin before blizzard changes it for being too hot

It’s been a rough year.

I’m not sure I follow the thought process here. Earthworm Jim is a failed experiment because the levels are difficult to navigate and the princess is flattened by a cow? I mean, by treating her as pointless, killing her with a cow, and calling her Whats-Her-Name, it seems Earthworm Jim is satirizing how other games do

I cringe when I hear people talk as if HAVs are our only hope for safer roads.

And guess what’s going away next? The steering wheel. You can make the same remark for that.

No. No one does because none of that was fun and engaging. Rowing your own gears is something different then that. Everyone thinks it’s just like people missing starting your car with a actual key or just other mundane stuff you do just to get the car going in the morning. Changing gears is something you are

The only way to help the troops is to stop sending them into endless wars; not paying non-profits who take a salary from tax-free income.

Uber is not “subsidizing” it’s drivers - let’s make that clear. If anything drivers are the ones subsidizing Uber since they provide the vehicle and bear the cost of phone bills, insurance, maintenance, gas, and depreciation. Uber has essentially no overhead to pay except for its legislative legal agenda. The

Those people who ‘merged early’ are in the same order as they were approaching the obstruction, which is the fairest way. Skipping them is not fair, which is why they are hated as the line-cutters they are. Next time you are at the grocery store, try this at a crowded check out, explaining how efficient a use of aisle

This seems to be a very facile understanding of efficiency. The goal isn’t to maximize road usage, but rather car throughput. Merging early or late has no impact on throughput on the bottleneck, and lowers throughput on any other lanes because the person trying to merge in right at the ramp rather than where the line

It only lights up like that when you approach redline. It's pretty cool, although you really should be looking at the road instead when you're running a Viper at redline.