

I just don’t expect video games journalists, especially in this network, to have any real knowledge on the subject matter beyond the same 100 and 200 level college courses everyone and their mother took.

Kurds are not Arabs as Farah is portrayed to be (its a subtle difference in you know, ethnicity and language) Its fine, you are new at this.

I dont think you understand or properly explain sunk cost fallacy, at least in this context

First party will always stay as far as i can tell (Halo, Gears, Sea of thieves, state of decay etc.) other games rotate every few months, but some I havent seen fall off since i first tried the service 6-7 months ago

Im pretty sure both companies are going this way moving forward, both consoles are essentially simple pc’s with custom interfaces, and that makes backwards compatibility moving forward FAR easier.

Im pretty sure both companies are going this way moving forward, both consoles are essentially simple pc’s with custom interfaces, and that makes backwards compatibility moving forward FAR easier.

As someone who has both, 100% agree, its clear this thread is full of sony-only fan boys who only know about the xbox one per its pre release marketing 6 years ago.

An old man shakes fist at the sky, or more like young kid angrily blasts internet

Ahh compared to when every single game had a unique CD code

Left out, only game console with a 4k player, its still super weird to be that Sony created blu-rays and 4k discs but didnt want to lose sales for its stand alone players.

HD audio is another, when everything is in 7.1 audio (if you use it or not) that takes up tons of space, language packs as well 

Weclome to the Gizmodo Network, formally known as Gawker, where everything is scary and offensive


Yup, exactly what I did when my household broke broke into middle class, I didn’t want to pay my bills or replace my car, i wanted to target those damned immigrants.

I collect bourbons and despite the shelf after shelf stacked with bottles I claim very little money spent on alcohol

Izze: The only good thing inside a Chipotle

Izze: The only good thing inside a Chipotle

The article literally says smaller independent arcades likely cannot afford to switch to digital currency, hence, will either absorb tax increases or go out of business.

All these stats are just dumb, leave them in the division, let the Ghost Recon series be more tactical (since Rainbow Six is more and more turning into this weird pseudo modern military overwatch game)

Inverse feeling here, tried the alphas and betas and hated it, this move towards gear score and leveled enemies makes the game too arcadey, I preferred wildlands, which i felt was a huge step in the right direction from the weird anomalies like Future Soldier.