
Agreed, i’ve tried every major streaming service available in the least year (just for fun, dont really need it) and PS Now performed the worst by far compared to GeForce Now, xCloud, Stadia, etc.

Well that is weird, because quick match only searches servers hosting the same DLC as you; and on PC most of the largest servers are sans-DLC

Do you people just not have editors anymore since transitioning from journalism to paid bloggers?

Whelp you just revealed how little informed you are:

Hank: Dale, who is they?
Dale:  Uhh... them?

Im of the opinion that spec ops the line was an incredibly generic third-person shooter with a rehashed bastardized poorly written retelling of Apocalypses Now/Heart of Darkness. The few ‘moments’ everyone cites occur without player agency because they are required, it might as well have 100% been a cutscene.

That is an incredibly selective quote out of context, they are specifically referring to P.W. Singer, who is a freelance consultant, he writes everything from in depth reporting (did fascinating work on child soldiers and mercenaries/PMCs) but also sci-fi books about future wars. He does consult for the DoD on things

The event in the game was fictional, but it was visually based off the event in the first Gulf War.

nor did they make any notable attempt to win over the local population”
After 2003, this is 100% wrong, as someone who spent two years in Iraq, ALL we did was work with the local population; it wasn’t about kills and casualties it was just about rebuilding, letting the locals take control, getting them to turn on

Its because Spec Ops the line was just a lazy retelling of Apocalypse Now (which itself was a retelling of Heart of Darkness).


Ahh yes, censorship, the mark of a progressive society

I dunno, bunch of military vets wanted to tell their story, other vets would want to hear it, its not dipshit call of duty jingoism, its experiences.

You know an overwhelming number of those dead were from sectarian conflicts (IE: Sunni Muslims versus Shia Muslims) Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) set off car bombs in busy intersections and crowded marketplaces. Shia paramilitary groups such as Jaysh al-Mahdi had death squads targeting Sunnis or anyone working with the US

Wow what a twat, I mean the blogger who wrote this, not Biden

None of that matters because they only sell Xbox series X/S and Xbox One S, everything else is discontinued and not on shelves

One X was almost completely off the shelves prior to the preorders going up for Series X and S as far as I know, there was a false story circulating saying sales were up 800% or some BS on Amazon but that’s only clicks and interest, not actual transactions.

Guy who made 1.5 games says the stupidly obvious. Gets article and headline.

Counterpoint: Until recently, all unoptimized jank

Squadrons Digital for 25 on PS4 or Xbox seems to be over (back to 39.99) likely due to the buy 2 get one free deal going on with media

Squadrons Digital for 25 on PS4 or Xbox seems to be over (back to 39.99) likely due to the buy 2 get one free deal