
This weekend, I'm playing Marvel Puzzle Quest! Now, I'm never not playing Marvel Puzzle Quest, but this weekend's versus tournament prize is Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel covers, so I'm going to be playing MPQ more than ever before.

Why is waste disposal evil? Doesn't a major metropolitan area need to dispose of its waste somewhere?

"My name is Oberyn Martell. You killed my sister. Prepare to —" *headsplode*

I think I speak for all AVClub readers, nay, all readers of the written word in any medium, when I say: Keep reviewing Steven Universe!

I would never stop vomiting. That would be it for me. Just vomiting, forever.

Nice, thanks! That's a better rundown than I could've asked for. I'll have to track some of these down.

So Poison Ivy is a six year old girl who dreams of someday being a botany major? You'd think it would be at about that point where someone would have said "Wait, is our entire premise really dumb?"

Also, it's 90% the trailer for the DCU Online MMO from a few years ago.

Are there any Question comics where he's like the Jeffrey Combs version (i.e. not part of the Trinity of Sin or nonsense like that), and are they any good? I know Question's been around for decades, but I never hear anyone talk about actual Question comics runs.

I decided a while ago to buy straight from the Comixology website to bypass Apple's cut and (hopefully) give a bigger share to creators, so this didn't change much for me. Plus, $5 store credit!

I'm still pretty nervous that the writers are angling for a Ward redemption arc. If they do that, it better end with him dying, because it would be completely ridiculous for him to rejoin the team. Dude killed, like, four cops in this episode alone.

It really does. New Gunork? Nope. ArkGunsas? Totally.

Haven't seen the episode yet, but I DVRed it!

The sad thing about Koenig being such a terrible spy is that he was also the best spy on this show. When he told Coulson that Fury's still alive but that the others can't know, I thought "Finally! Someone who understands security clearances!"

Doc Hammer and Jackson Public. I know that it takes a while to animate a season of Venture Bros. when you're using paint-covered snails to draw each frame, but come on guys, get a move on.

So at best, Ward executed a high-value prisoner because he made empty threats about a girl Ward kinda likes. At worst, he murdered an innocent paralyzed man in cold blood. But we're supposed to think May's the real villain because she has a secret phone?


In my head, Stannis Baratheon will always be played by Christopher Eccleston.

So… did Olivia get eaten by that burlap sack ghost?

Coulson said his professor cover identity name. But making him an Asgardian was the perfect opportunity to introduce another character from the Thor comics. Or even another character at all. If he ever does come back, he'll just be "that Asgardian we met that one time."