
Where do you sit on the rankings of sports writers?

Yea I mean if Kaepernick doesn’t bring you a championship, who cares if you win 2 or 4 games.

You should honestly start crediting the reddior that finds this stuff as opposed to the main publication.

Signs a contract in good faith, blames employer, wants out of contract, and complains.

That would make me the Quarterman, just doesn’t have the same ring to it. - Tyrion Lannister

IU won the Big Ten two years ago... negative momentum, because they lost once?

I love Deadspin, but this site this week is basically a gossip column.

Cool article. Sad that people and yourself care about this. Hopefully I’ll be a millionaire one day.

If you bring a player down but they are offside, does the red card still count?

What’s your salary?

Counterpoint, Iceland.

What do I do as a white person at a Black barbecue again?

So you watched John Oliver?

“From the club’s statement”, source r/soccer

This is just common sense that its happening. I don’t understand how you can think it’s a shocker. You guys hire a lot of republicans too right?

This is a priority with Chelsea winning the title right now? Lol #reddit

/It’s not about world records

Supporting a college a “pro team” is completely different, as is supporting a pro team and a national team. 17 year old boys beat the Women’s National Soccer Team a couple of weeks ago, overall it’s simply not as good of a product.


It was such a consistent problem, it’s 2017 and its finally coming to light.