
What if he did?

Awesomely said.

You forgot that since he’s a rich scumbag that this woman is also clearly a prostitute. Oh and high on meth, because, well, who the hell knows... So if you would just jump to more conclusions please, and get on board, that would be great.. Jumping to conclusions remember, is fine if it involves; republicans, wealthy

Finally! Someone seeing this for what really happened! Instead of running off in a different direction

This is great cause it happened to a rich, white man. I remember the first time me and my buddies laughed at a woman’s misfortune. Oh, wait. No, we didn’t. Regardless of political leanings, no-one deserves to have their home trashed in this manner. Authoritarian leftists are just as bad as right-wing, bible-thumping

Fucking degenerates.