
When I was 15, at a friend’s birthday party, I walked in on her PASTOR DAD on the can. He seemed suuuper shocked and I was - obviously - mortified. After the sleepover ended I found out from three different friends that they’d all walked in on different family members in the bathroom. Apparently nobody in that family

Jack:... I’m sorry, what do you call yourself?

When I was 21, I dated an adventure guy. He wanted to backpack the Darien Gap, etc. If the Vice Guide to North Korea (seriously the starting point for basically every bro who wants to go there) had been on his radar he would have planned a trip for sure. He was large and strong and smart, for the most part. But he was

So let me get this straight - the Crown decides if and when to pursue charges. They press charges on behalf of women who come forward - which many would suggest is her moral obligation - and lay these charges based on the women’s testimony, though the women themselves are not the ones deciding to take this to trial.

The boundary-pushing one is my most important. My current b/f I met by: Attending an after party, consuming substances, and getting invited back to his place at 7am. It was the fact that he respected - without question - my establishing that “sure you can eat me out but I’m not going to bang you” that solidified my

Yep, This. I royally pissed off a late-middle-aged couple on a train a few years back. I new it was going to be a 10+ day of travel so I booked way in advance and got the window-seat four-top of my dreams. This couple didn’t just want my window seat, they wanted BOTH of the window seats, mine and the empty one across