Look on the scales of where I wish perspectives came together in a bipartisan fashion (not fucking really though), this is definitely one of the top ones.
Look on the scales of where I wish perspectives came together in a bipartisan fashion (not fucking really though), this is definitely one of the top ones.
You ever play an RPG where they give you full control over creating a custom avatar and you create something hideous and outrageous? That’s what he is... totally. All of his facial sliders have been pushed to max.
My impression of Yang is that he’s one of these people who is convinced that, if he has skimmed the headings of a Vox explainer on an issue, and then spent an additional 20 minutes or so thinking about what he just read, that he understands everything he needs to understand about that issue, and is in a position not…
“I know what the Latina experience is, I lived in Miami,”
Yup. The moment Trump was out of the seat, those kids in cages disappeared from the American consciousness. Just like how Obama’s responsibility re: drone strikes and deportations isn’t even a blip on the radar when talking about what a great man he is.
They never cared about the kids. They just didn’t like Trump because he made white people look terrible. You can’t feel superior to other countries AND have to be confronted with how many of your loved ones are bigots? GET HIM OUT OF HERE.
ICE needs to be abolished. Wasn’t that the goal under the Trump admin for everyone who was against his inhuman policies???
Yeah, this, coming on the heels of recently forcibly taking border property to keep building the wall, and even reopening some of the juvenile detention facilities that Trump had actually closed. Great.
The [actual] left in this country isn’t surprised. We’re just pointing out all this shit while libs get angry at us for pointing it out at all.
When we say “defund the police”, yes, we really do fucking mean it. Put the above as one more piece of evidence in the “Why?” column. Not only do they have the money to throw around, they’re throwing it at a kid who broke the law on his way to breaking the law by murdering some people. This is not an institution that…
Prove it.
ACAB through and through.
i mean other than that
White cis men have always benefited from the assumption of their inherent objectivity, largely because they were the ones who got to decide what it meant to be objective in the first place.
Does North Korea have a right to exist?
I don’t know what being “3 months in” has to do with the damaging, deterrence-focused rhetoric emanating from this administration that, if anything, will only create the perverse incentive for desperate families to send their children on the long and dangerous journey to the U.S. alone. I’ll give the administration…
Foist? Cynthia Nixon went through the process to get on the primary ballot which you admit others with more name recognition didn’t do. So how the fuck does that become her being foisted onto anyone when other people could have run and didn’t.
You mean the same way she convicted herself so as not to be hypocritical in prosecuting marijuana offenses when she was a prosecutor?
I’m glad we are bringing up Tara Reade again, because I’d forgotten how quickly “believe women” turned into “believe women unless it is politically inconvenient and she turns out to have emotional issues and troubling personal lives you want to weaponize to discredit their allegations, even though those issues aren’t…
God that’s sad. I can feel the pain, hurt and betrayal in her voice. And the clout chasing thing has been an issue for awhile with BLM. I remember back during the Ferguson protests, professional trauma grifters like DeRay McKesson and others descended on the town and took up a HUGE amount of space, oxygen and media…