Do you really think that the CIA running experiments on college students is a “The End” kinda of situation? That is such a bizarre take. That should be a “we need to know more about that and that’s exactly what they should be making shows about instead of Dahmer.”
In all seriousness, those are direct casualty figures only. When including indirect causes like disease and famine the number may grow much larger.
Free Iraqi people, he’s shipping off to help free Iraqi people. Don’t you remember how they were greeted as liberators? Remember? The statue came down, and then Bush was on the flight deck to do a Mission Accomplished? Remember? And they found the WMDs? And then Obama got elected? And nothing happened in Iraq again?…
More likely his approval rating is tanking because people fully understand the implications of the phrase “Bully Pulpit” despite it not appearing in any ‘official’ role of the President and see the President absolutely refusing to use it in any capacity.
No, I’m sorry, none of that passes the smell test. Your theory is that instead of it just being a guy getting hot in the moment and popping off, he staged an embarrassing moment with a comedian that would likely reflect poorly on both them and the Academy, faked a tearful apology during his big acceptance speech that…
The death count being subsequently shown to be inflated really is less important than the fact that Albright, believing the toll to be the correct one, was still prepared to support it as a price worth paying to continue a failing sanctions regime.
Another great one: “We think the price is worth it.” in regards to 500,000 Iraqi Children starving to death.
Wow, a group of politicians with a powerful interest in spreading propaganda are claiming without evidence that their enemy is doing a Bad Thing that we should hate them for, and oh by the way could you send your sons or your guns? This is at about the level of “The Huns are raping babies!” New century, same worthless…
If you’re a political activist and have been watching what the Democratic Party leadership has done to newly elected officials over the past 6 years, you’d think twice about running too.
Nancy Pelosi has waaaaaaay more to do with wearing down progressive women in Congress than any grumpy people on the Internet.
Yugoslavia? Northern Ireland? Heir to the throne really should be aware of Northern Ireland right? His grand uncle was killed as part of it in 1979. They had more military casualties there than they did in either Iraq or Afghanistan, and for obvious reasons more civilian deaths too.
Jesus. I hope you, “CanAnyoneReadThis?” and all the people who starred your comments take some time to reflect on why you felt the need to post this, and on just how many miles over your head the fundamental point of this article appears to have sailed. holy shit. wow.
Sigh..I’ll never be liked on this site but here goes:
“One man’s ego”? Oversimplistic fuckery.
There’s a sizeable number of people who would rather that kids be dead than they be trans. That is how deep the hatred of trans folks is in our society. Don’t let people distract you with sports or locker rooms or whatever, that’s the appetizer and this sort of thing is the first course. If we don’t put a stop to this…