
Fine, but can he hammer a six-inch spike through a board with his penis?

These things always look nice in marketing shots, but put them on your wrist and you'd need a microscope to even see it. A waste of semolians.

I don't see much detail on his analysis. He needs to normalize it to account for different population densities. He needs to do a regression on 'fuck' and see if it needs to be weeded out as a word since it could be that one part of the country is simply hornier than the other. 'Fuck' is not necessarily a swear. A

NFC is waaaaaaaaaaay overdue in the US.

America, Land of the Free!...less.

@desmalta: eh, no. It's a typo. notice...

Yeah ok, so where is the product web site? stop posting nonsense like you could buy it if there is no product.

Lies! The real one is at Area-51...right next to the cryo-frozen Lone Gunman....who was actually an alien from the Roswell Crash...a race that evolved from the Himalayan Yeti ('bigfoot' for you ignoramuses...that word means your stupid, since you're ignorant and wouldn't understand anyway) which became an alien

Notice the smog; less than 1 mile visibility. Guess the Chinese are just as dumb as we are, they have learned nothing from previous industrialization.

Your average* lawyer is a paper monkey, cluelessly shuffling around itty pieces of paper with no comprehension of what they're doing.

$4 billion is a lot of cheddar, semolians, it's not for something cheap...dibs on high DPI screens/ OLED.

Dark Knight was a steaming pile.

Crazy japanese. What they didn't mention was the bukkake test jacked up conductivity 69%.

Awesome, cutting edge UI to track....junk.

Earth, the New Jersey* of the Milky Way.

blah blah blah...Tits or GTFO.

it's lame, i barfed in my mouth.

So, the video proves what we have known all along, the French are dumb...and it's congenital.


'Cowboys and Aliens' looks like a total fucking brain fart. I bet it'll be the biggest flop of 2011.