
Food diversity is critical. We should be fostering a much wider range of food species in our diets and agricultural systems. It's pretty pathetic how narrow a food spectrum is consumed by the typical A-merican.

Right now the best content is on TV...amazingly enough.

They're idiots. They should just tell him:

List of agencies to be dispanded:

"Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" is genuinely brilliant; love it!

Moral of the lesson: morning quickie is dietetic.

It's official, thank god for Twitter, for a second there I thought we'd never find our winner this year, 2010's World's Greatest Pussy.

Why is anyone surprised? American "education" is ranked right along forsaken nations in the hinterlands of Asia, Africa or Latin America. The US is ranked below the OECD int'l aggregate - meaning, in the bottom half of world education.

awesome Ron, but Disney lawsuit in ...3...2...1...

Spike him!

did they beat the gay out of him too?

The Mona Lisa is a monument to human gullibility. Some art dweeb/s proclaimed it to be great (the same way some Linux nut espouses how great some obscure technical aspect of linux is), and that's that, the rest of the crowd followed like a heard of bovine. If you ever see it in person, it is totally uninteresting.

Not too bright; she could swipe the other way, by reversing her grip, as the door goes back in.

@Ottobon: I saw him do it on live standup Comedy Central and he used 'moron'. I think it worked a lot better.

@Bluecold: Ever notice that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a moron? - George Carlin (R.I.P.)

The concept is better than the US concept of smart roads< - a dumb idea. This is a much more flexible model using essentially distributed computing.

Digital pimp? eh

Bay is a fraud, a monkey mindlessly throwing crap at the screen. They shouldn't let him get anywhere near a Polaroid camera let alone a movie set.

If you look carefully you realize that all they did was put up massive billboards to obscure the crappy buildings, but the exact crappy buildings are still there behind the signs. Frankly, I don't see the improvement either way. If there is anything I loathe more than the suburbs, it's the commercial bastardization of