
Go Congress! Loud commercials have been one of the top complaints to the FTC since the 1960s. It only took half-century for them to do something f-ing useful. Go Congress!

The probability that bacteria or single cell organisms exists on other planets/bodies is 100%. It would be insane to think otherwise, the universe is too massive and there's way too much stuff going on out there.

I've been saying for a while now that children born this century will probably be on the verge of near-immortal lives (or at least, they will easily live 100-200 years). The combination of genetics, nano-technology and organ incubation will remove most of the biological causes of death.

Terminate TSA and Homeland Security. PERIOD.

He'll impress me when he can put hair back on his head. Until then, his ego is writing checks...yada yada.

TSA was the *real* evil of the Bush Administration. Everything else he did was kosher in comparison in my book, :p

I'd like my FUCK YOU SuperSized thanks...

What's really scary about these pictures is that not a single person was remotely thin.

Personally, I'm surprised we haven't detected anything yet. It is a law of large numbers 'game' and the numbers are so huge we should have found a hell of a lot of alien chatter out there.

I don't get. A Marine who's brain is deprived of oxygen. This is news?

Death trap or not, for half the cost of the program they could have replaced the whole helicopter fleet with brand new models of the Chinooks, Sea Stallions, etc. And with the other $billions the military could have done something more oh, I don't know, equip our troops with body and vehicle armor before

It's Navy PR bullshit, it's why they did it. It could have been handled by commercial means.

"More money than brains."

Hate to say it, but it looks like it'll suck story-wise. Who the hell gets paged anymore? They really expect us to believe a 20 year old pager still works just sitting on some dweebs desk. Must have those magical batteries nobody else has.

The statue of Harissa in Lebanon is infinitely more real and poignant.

Chinese SLBM, pure and simple. The US military has no reason to deny it, it's stupid to 'show power' only to deny it. It just comes out later under Freedom of Information Act or some idiot service member posts all the info on a leaks website anyway. Not to mention you don't have a president go on an economic/PR trip

"I just find this mainstream pap so tedious."

TSA and Homeland security should be totally canned, it's nothing but a massively wasteful Terminus-level bureaucracy. The real nightmare with these agencies is that one day the "threat" will be gone, but they'll never go away.

The world's oceans need to be much better protected, it's a generational disgrace what humanity is doing to it.

LightPeak is gonna get rid off all current connections — USB, HDMI, all of it. It'll just be LightPeak for just about any need. Good riddance!