
Anyone who cooks with "Teflon"-non-stick type products should be wacked over the head with their own stupid stick. The stuff kills.

"This douchebag is weaving through traffic and going the wrong way and wants to talk about crosswalks? Shove it up your ass, dickhead"

@audiophile8706: A year ago we bought our first one, the Queen-size IKEA Sultan Finnvik for $399. It's still like new and since it has a 20 yr warranty (and the durability reputation of memory foam / latex matt.) will probably be that way for a very long time.

The best mattress technology today is natural latex or memory foam, depending on your budget/needs.

"cleaning her room", is that what they're calling it now? Makes sense, just the other day over an upscale dinner with colleagues we were joking about "ironing clothes".

How does it compare to aluminum? Perhaps it is for unibody Macbooks of Liquidmetal - more durable, lighter, dissipating heat faster or less opaque to WiFi transmissions?

@Ryan A Osborne: I met a guy like that once, nut job. I told him, see Article 16 of the Constitution. He looked it up and its the last we heard of him (he was ranting about it at a party). The other people at the party practically wanted to kiss my feet. lol

@FourOhOne: actually, Aston Martin is what Johnathan Ive drives at Apple.

Of course you'll never see this live, because our eyes can't see that wide a range of electromagnetic spectrum. Seeing it in person it would probably be faint monochromatic light.

Absolutely stunning. Where do you start? The people are beyond impressive. When men were MEN. Heck, any one of those women could wipe the floor with today's pudgy guys. Not a single ounce of fat on anyone in the pictures. Great texture. Great grit. Okra, rice and pickled stuff for dinner...try serving that today at a

About clothes, I think he's right. It's a huge waste of time every day to figure out what to wear —- that's the reason he just wears the same thing. Time is too valuable (especially his) to waste on such pedantic activities. He does wear other things, like shorts + black turtleneck.

The solution will be lasers. In a couple decades when we have cost effective high powered lasers, then we can just burn the junk out of the sky. We could probably do it already for eliminating the chips of paint, etc although probably not in a cost effective way yet (although god knows that won't stop gov't if it gets

I'm not impressed.

As a long time Apple user, I'll shed some light for you guys on the iPad's success. First, it is overall a really nice product, to say otherwise is disingenuous. But, my main point is ...Second, and very important for the Mac user base, the iPad is in essence a very very cheap Mac. Relatively speaking, buying an iPad

Overall, Apple needs to stop being lazy; this is pure laziness. They have an existing setup that marks content as 'explicit'. Use the tags to create a 'mature' sextion...section.

@MikeK: actually the "artist" sounds like a douche.

Yawn. Isn't this LightPeak, which was announced like a year ago. It was supposed to be in Apple products already. Bravo to Intel, but get the shit out the door already.

It's another stupid tech fad and will be gone like the wind before you know it.

a) Luck has nothing to do with it, engineers have spent decades making near perfect all-attitude ejection seats.