
None of these are the interesting questions. 'Why anything at all?' is thee question.

Dubai is a shit hole. It'll make beautiful dune covered archeological ruins in about 60 years when they have squat to pay for it.

@A Pimp Named DaveR: I've always said that if I ever were president (HAH! *cough*) one thing I'd definitely do is invest in a space based telescope array so we'd have limitless resolution and could take an HD image of ET taking a dump from across the universe. That'll prove extraterrestrial life!

Shouldn't this pic have been taken by Hubble? What's Hubble doing instead?

@jimchuck: Lest we forget, another reason why Scuba sucks, it obstructs the "view":

@jimchuck: btw, I'm a certified Scuba diver, so I know the Scuba experience. I think Scuba is fine and can be fun, but it's not quite natural in comparison to free form diving.

As a person who's spent so much time in water that I'm astonished I haven't sprouted gills yet, in my view Scuba is over-rated. Snorkeling and free diving is where the real mind-ocean spirituality is to be found.

a) nicely done

Jungle fever strikes again. He be knocking booty with da' mean jungle bush.

Moral of the lesson? Rich people are immortal too. They can't just STFU and die like everyone else in a crash..nooooooooo.

*Moderate* urban density (everyone always assumes density means NYC-style megapolis') that incorporates mixed-used walkable communities would resolve these issues. This mess is nothing more than categorically idiotic urban "planning" (actually, the lack thereof).

Chinese water torture anyone? I'd rather just Delete.

BTW, the picture of the porn "star" is overly flattering. Dig up her real pics on the web and you'll quickly notice Tiger has zero taste. She's a total skank.

"I would love to have the ability to make you sore" == small pee pee

Multi-touch Starcraft 2.

Pressure is Cool. Anyone who saw yesterday's Mythbusters where the dive suit crushed itself at 300ft ocean depth knows what I mean. CRUNCH!