
EDIT: Gah hit publish before I finished! Sadface :(

I have enough trouble scratching my butt while wearing a seatbelt in the backseat, so what I got from that was that black people are either contortionists or magicians or...DUNDUNDUNNNN BOTH!!

Have you reached out to some of the bloggers at school #2? Do you know if the faculty at school #2 are more supportive than those at #1? Any chance you can talk to a student or faculty at school #1 to get some real-talk and not admissions-propaganda? Being stressed out is one thing, but being stressed out with shitty,

I second Jan74. Is your husband in a position where he can sit down with his grandpa and talk about getting ownership of the house? Does he at least get along with your son? If he does, maybe he can be convinced to help provide a good, permanent home for his great-grandson (y'know, in lieu of his useless, absent son)

I was suspended for 3 days in middle school for writing "shit" in a poem that I turned in for a homework assignment. I thought I was being clever for making it rhyme with "bit." I wasn't even directing that comment at anyone specific, but maybe I should have since I was getting suspended anyway.

Maybe he read BlogHer and learned so much about va-jay-jay's that he's now self-conscious about his own crotch-smell and is trying to air it out on the subway, but doesn't want to get kicked.

I really liked the game but I agree with you. I remember it was touted as something that offered multiple options to travel to the objective, but I felt like there were only 2-3 ways to move about across the map. I felt like Splinter Cell Blacklist (I mention it because I beat it recently and that came to mind

Nordstrom bra fitters are supposedly really good also without being very pushy. I don't know what your specific needs are in terms of support/comfort, but I personally like Target bras too. They fit me better than VS bras and run 50-75% cheaper and somehow seem really durable.

I'd like to add that it's more for people who are significantly overweight and try that before going for surgery. At least that's how my instructor described her approach to tapeworms last year. I don't know if someone can just walk into a doc's office and ask for them unless it's medically needed. Certainly not