
Now I really want to yell this in my lab, which is full of PhDs and post-docs from Germany......ugh. Must resist temptation at all costs.

I interpreted the child advocate idea as a way to give the daughter a supporter she could trust who is neither the mother or hospital (both of whom have their own biases/perspectives). My understanding of child advocates is that they don't necessarily have to add to the conversation. It might have prevented having

I kinda miss Inon Zur, even though there were only a few tracks that I really, really liked. It had more of that medieval-y feel that I liked, but most of them were the kinds of songs that you tuned out or got really annoyed at.. The DA:I soundtrack feels more epic and I like that about it too. I LOVE the tavern

I actually kind of like it when soundtracks are able to blend into the background...but I listen to them while studying, which is proooobably not how they were originally intended to be used XD

Ugh. Now, taking the L home at midnight from the airport seems like a safer bet (and cheaper). Most of the homeless people that sleep on the train are literally there to sleep and leave you alone. Sad on so many different levels.


Why....why does the second one look so cute to me? xD

Haven't played DA:Inquisition yet, but I've noticed that in the previous DA and ME games. Sometimes the female characters' posture looks more like that stereotypical buff-guy pose (chest out, arms held kind of away from the torso).

I know Naskrecki genuinely loves these guys, but all I can think of when I see the centipede is ABOMINATIONNNNN. KILL IT WITH FIRE. They scare the shit out of me.

Pure speculation - but people within a field generally have a good idea of who is studying a similar thing within their specialty/community, and there are conferences for people to share recent findings, usually before a study gets published in scientific journals. Sadly, unless the head honchos of a project verbally

Coming late to the party but I agree and wanted to add that a 20-something young woman might also think, "Maybe I can change him." It's sad to me for their sake and the fact that their energy and good will could be given to others more deserving

Please take pictures of said gowns so I can live vicariously through you (without the disappointment of realizing I'm just a stumpy sausage wearing a pretty number)

See, you could have said all that in the first place. And maybe I would have been more receptive to say, right off the bat, "I'm sorry, you're right, I didn't think about those things."

Not sure what you mean by racist, does primping now vary by race as well?

Oh, I understand that part - bodies change whether we do our best to treat it well or not. I'm with you on that. I read those sections as "fancy blouses + wanting to look nice = styles that can be worn when she's 30 but not 60."

Shaving takes a long time. I was very surprised when I learned how time-consuming it could be for men. And if they have a goatee/beard-thing, they have to trim it too to look neat.

"In my family, my two sons and husband are out the door in 15 minutes flat compared to my 30 or 40—those asymmetrical blouses need to be ironed, and my hair requires some minimal attention to not look like a meth addict's."

Nice Guy alert!

Yaaaay. I was just feeling nostalgic for point and click adventure games too!! Book of Unwritten Tales left me feeling nostalgic for point and click games. I remember seeing this but was never allowed to play (my parents rarely bought games for me).

story of my life - getting excited because I can get cheap bras for less than in-store prices with free shipping.