
Wow. I get Deadspin doesn’t like Bill Simmons, but this is reeeeeally reaching.

Eh, you guys do a lot of great work deservedly dunking on Simmons, but I don’t think this is one of the times.

ahh, so deadspin’s slapped on, intrusive ads are just there to show how authentic the content is!

Were you at the game? The initial cheer was because at that point all we knew was Ibaka got a steal and a 2 on 1 fast break. After it became clear KD was hurt, the tone shifted. Yes, there were groups of assholes still basking in the injury, but they were far and away the minority. According to KOC from TheRinger, the

So much this. Deadspin is the morality police only when they see fit. When it’s inconvenient, they simply ignore parts of the narrative they don’t want to hear and act as if they don’t regularly call others out for the exact same bullshit they’re swimming in. 

Deadspin shifts their faux morality to embrace Barstool culture whenever they see fit. If the Russian team had done this to Jamaica, for example, there would be a 70,000 word scolding think piece shat out overnight.