mango jane

I think Tahani and Chidi both made me laugh a LOT more than the first season simply because I know who they are and what they are like so seeing them deal with these problems (for what they think is the first time) really made me laugh a lot. Knowing Tahani’s luxury style and knowing Chidi can’t handle making

My dad was complaining about a homeless guy with a phone and I pointed out that 1) homeless people in our state have access to free phones with limited services and that 2) a person without a house or a social support group might need a phone far more than he or I. Why shouldn’t they have the ability to schedule

The tv and cell phone thing always gets me. I just got laid off a few weeks ago. I still have my nice cell phone—it’s the only phone I have. I still have two nice televisions in my apartment. The cool clothing in my closet hasn’t changed—the expensive pieces are still there, too. My stuff didn’t suddenly downgrade

I genuinely don’t understand how a person can be anti-asexual. What is there to be upset about? It’s an orientation made up of absence.

For better or worse, in supply-chain and procurement.


He’s correct. As a percentage of the population, logistics experts are extremely rare. To find a woman logistics expert you’d have to work at it. Maybe hang out at bars near UPS headquarters.

It does make me a little happy that while attempting to insult all of womankind, he sounds like an absolute idiot.

The Donald Trump School of Grammar and Sentence Construction.

Five years from now Kevin Hart will have a reality/talk show/book deal to spread all this toxic shit about women via “advice” (ostensibly to women) about how to keep your man happy. See also; Harvey, Steve.

Aaaand Torrei Hart has the last goddamn laugh.

The Kevin Hart scandal probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal if he and his annoying new wife didn’t spend like 99% of their time trying to convince us that they are soulmates and they are truly happy. Like if you were that happy and in love you wouldn’t need to go that extra to convince us. Also, they have taken

It takes quite the logistical genius to realize standard overnight is almost as good as overnight am service at a lower cost.

Yup, he’s all about that shipping optimization stuff. That’s what makes him hot.

Kevin just wants a woman who knows how to ship via UPS or FedEx.