
How great you must feel for tying apocryphal and Martin Mull into the same sentence!
And thanks for clearing up what I can dance to (or about)!
Have fun at Pedant Jr College

This is utter horseshit. To say this is a C compared to some of the other grades they give things around here? Thank god I don't come here for the music journalism.

Please tell me it ain't so! I've resisted all leaks until I buy it next week. If so, fuck.

And now I'm back. This is bullshit. That was me.

Third: Beatles

Are you familiar with the concept of Bjork?

You are high as fuck if you think Janick is actually plugged in. He's just there to do spinny things with his guitar and fetch the boys beers (and keep Murray stoned.)

Now I can die a happy man. Thank you, old friend

Who's your fourth favorite? Mine is Genesis.

I said sometimes! Nursery Cryme-era. It still counts! If only for The Musical Box alone, it's meritable.

Yeah. Warmjets here, officially been Disqus'd. So fuck me. I feel like I'm in Tron.

It was pretty much everywhere at the time. MTV played the shit out of that video as well.