That is absolutely the nicest number of minutes that anything should be suspended for lightning.
That is absolutely the nicest number of minutes that anything should be suspended for lightning.
Oh, come on. My crippling alcoholism is a fine religion, if you ask me.
Yes... Pie = fist, for suuuurrrre
Because as we all know, a pie and a punch are virtually indistinguishable
You still haven’t answered your own question: why do you go to church with these people?
I don’t know, why do you go to church with families that immigrated here and barely speak english and have a wife and 2+ kids and they have a middle class lifetstyle and own a house, but probably don’t suffer from a crippling inability to use a comma or avoid run-on sentences? Life’s mysterious like that!
This is entirely underappreciated. +1
So, to be clear, you’re honestly saying that Austrian school econ isn’t a hilarious joke continually perpetuated by dumb people trying to sound like what they think a smart person sounds like?
Oh man so you’re saying that was a very serious statement not at all meant in jest?
LOL forever at this excellent joke
is money a sandwich
okay thanks for stopping by
A) “Alt-right” is not “ultra-right” - it’s a dumb phrase for idiots to proclaim themselves as somehow a different kind of shitty right-wing than the shitty mainstream right-wing. (Pedantry is cool, though, for sure.)
There is no journalistic bar or board because you can’t just declare yourself a lawyer or a doctor. We expect certain training for that for good reason, and a nod to “fitness” to be in that position. There’s never been an equivalent demand of the press because it is an entirely different set of rights and principles…
God, I’m so glad Wagner posted another article to remind me how supremely stupid this comment you made 18 months ago was and still is. Happy Stupidversary!
Actually, get fucked.
Well, if there’s a quota of crap posting being met here by anyone...
Hey, get fucked
I mean, he DID go to Harvard