
We’re Out of Ideas - A Star Wars Story

Seriously, this article is doing way more harm then good for the director

Can someone please edit this article? The implication is that she says this in response to Star Wars, recently, but it’s actually from 2015, and is about her making documentaries about the abuse and mistreatment of women in Pakistan, and how by having uncomfortable conversations, she is helping people actually see and

The new layout is unusable as far as I’m concerned — there’s no way to find the latest articles **at all** that I can see. I was thinking that the first article in each category would be the latest, so at least you could slog your way through that way ... but as far as I can tell, that’s not the case (ex: when I

I guess their thinking is that everything is categorized now so if you want to see articles about Comics, then click “Comics” to see those, etc. Personally, I hate that because, in scrolling past stuff that I might not typically be interested in, I will often stumble upon something new (to me) and find something that

Nope, because that takes you to Gizmodo’s “Latest”, which is from a much larger pool of articles! They just don’t want people to only read io9, I guess, because they hate their viewership!

2 things:

I mean, these are cartoons... so it should be for the kids as much as the adults. As grating as separatist droids are, and as eye-rolling as a kid on a team of AWOL military special forces might be - watch this shit with your children, see the magic in their naïve little faces, and then tell me that it’s not worth it t

Given all the time spent disproving that this works, at what point would it be cheaper to strap one to a cube sat, hold it out the airlock of the ISS, point it at the moon, flip it on, and wait?  Seems like lifting the mass to orbit and letting it burn up on re-entry would have been more efficient.

Walton Goggins as The Riddler for me

This looks like it could be fun, but I am still having trouble getting over how awful the title of this movie is.

That second picture looks like Trump eating KFC. :)

:sigh: Are we that fragile now? Thank God movies like Taxi Driver got made already. This is a movie about the Joker for God’s sake, he’s been a bat shit crazy mass murderer for about 75 years now. (60s TV shows and cartoons not withstanding). Go, see, walk out, and bitch afterword. 

I’m holding out hope for some good 4K Blu-ray sales this holiday season so I can work on completing my entire MCU in 4K collection.  I’ve bought them in 4K since Spider-man: Homecoming but I haven’t went back and got some of the earlier films yet again 

I’m holding out hope for some good 4K Blu-ray sales this holiday season so I can work on completing my entire MCU in

(SPOILER: you’re reading a CPM article)

Yes, but as you say he was not The Mandarin nor was he Asian so the only caricature he was presenting was of that of a low rent actor so how is that germane to any discussion about Asian stereotypes?

While Kingsley’s (false) Mandarin was markedly toned-down in terms of his overall Fu Manchu-ness, he was still presented as an alcoholic, drug-using lout for comedic effect, placing him squarely in caricature territory all the same.  

Wait... Trevor Slattery was the caricature of a character and was clearly just a British actor, not an Asian “Fu Manchu” type. Did we see the same Iron Man 3?

So you’re saying Roman Polanski... came in a little behind?

Jeremy Renner.