Burning Mango

No just reading comprehension. Go read her article.

I don’t hate my job nor did I go into a career thinking it would be something it’s not. So it sounds like you fucked yourself. Good luck with that knot before you put it around your neck after those months of 90 hour weeks for 75% of what you’d get paid anywhere else.

Except that’s exactly what Brie said. Not 2 separate types, but all teams becoming more diverse so we move away from the games that made this industry what it is. Go read.

Never played either because they looked like cell phone games where your input doesn’t matter much or it was advertised as sitting at a desk which I do plenty of. Not knocking them, they are just out of my experience zone.

Forcing success into the trash to push unwanted change is a form of fucking retardation. No guesswork there.

I don’t have a problem. She does. She works in an industry she doesn’t actually believe in. You never hear writers complain people can’t hear their work, filmmakers don’t get upset that audiences don’t want 28 hour movies. But Brie wants games with zero conflict (which doesn’t mean violence always) and studies on

That article by Brie Code is pretty much everything I hate about the trajectory of the industry. All this concern about super busy feminist art historians in Canada not playing and the push to get them to play is giving a big middle finger to the consumers that pay your bills and built this in the first place.

The guy hasn’t even done anything yet except scale back his fruitiest plans. Maybe give him 24 hours in the job before acting like the world has ended. I never supported Trump but goddamn this is next level crazy.

Funny, I saw comments about it in nearly every post for at least the last 3 months. Hardly the backseat you claim. Every story seemed to mention how awful Trump was. Every single one. And he is but I play games to get away from all this.

You saw this loss and STILL run to sexism, racism, and white guy hating?

I’ve never found a cause worth supporting. I can’t think of a single time it’s ever mattered in my lifetime either. Then again I can barely tolerate 98% of the population and don’t care about anyone unless it’s me, my wife, or my kid. The rest of you can die slowly as long as you do it away from me.

If a woman votes to protect her reproductive rights, the exact same logic can be applied when a man votes to protect his higher salary.

We’re at least 2 decades past affairs mattering. It didn’t hurt Bill Clinton in the public eye and it’s hypocritical as hell to say it should matter now. I’m sick of media outlets trying to tell me the reasons to hate or love a candidate. These sex stories haven’t moved the needle at all, yet here we are again.

You could have concisely explained it as, “First world fucking problems.”

I can tell you easily that 99% of Trump supporters would write this off even if it’s true. Why? Because nothing is more suspicious than a violent rape allegation that sat for decades only to pop up when a massive pay out is almost guaranteed. Just in interviews and book deals.

I won’t be taking medical advice from someone that decides to inhale germs rather than turn their head to draw breath.

It disgusts me that I can vote for an absolute nut or a corrupt and shitty person and both spawn from pure evil parties absolutely infested with this level of bullshit.

I sincerely hope the industry doesn’t cave to VAs. I appreciate the work they do but there are thousands and thousands of you waiting for a chance and every year the same 10 end up in all the games. Nobody is buying games to hear Troy Baker and Nolan North, despite being talented guys. Asking for more will just end up

Plenty of things in life are as simple as black and white. As for the rest, fair enough. Agree to disagree. She’s a weak coward we’re all better off without from my point of view. You clearly see it differently.

A bunch of excuses. I don’t take your assurance to mean a damn thing either. I’m entitled to my opinion and you are entitled to yours. If supposed brilliance means it’s ok to be a waste of life then give me an IQ test then start flooding my account with money after I coke binge to death.