Burning Mango

I never said I was.

I did stop after the third paragraph. Skimmed the rest. I never claimed to be trying to be helpful or join in a positive discussion, which by the way isn’t always best. I don’t agree that addiction is a disease. It is a willful act of weakness. Nobody forced her to drink until everything was gone. There isn’t an

Neither actually. Way to miss the point entirely. But go ahead and applaud the life of a drunk if it makes you feel better about downing another glass.

No matter how many words or pages you write, strong people don’t drink lives and kids away. They certainly don’t have the audacity to request a liver after destroying theirs, denying deserving people kids even

Says the person getting tight assed over an internet comment by a stranger. Okey dokey Captain Mature!

Some people joke. It’s not the same as trolling. Stop being so fucking sensitive, sour puss.

We need a world war.

It bears repeating forever and ever: don’t release your game and simultaneously release DLC that costs more than the game. $60 was a lot to ask for a new IP that was MP only. To make a casual observer feel like they’d be getting a demo for $60 was just insulting. As far as I could tell day 1 overhalf the characters or

This is the end result of media outlets turning their noses up at gamers, ignoring the backlash, and seeing their clout being siphoned by Youtubers.

Far as I could tell the last time I logged in this will hit 100% of players. I think non cheaters quit long ago because, ya know, cheaters. It’s why I pretty much immediately quit again.

I never said I did. Didn’t even hint at it, cupcake.

At some point the overly sensitive gotta let this go. It’s been almost 8 decades. Stop empowering Nazi iconography by gasping so loudly anytime it shows up. Hitler wasn’t fucking Voldemort, he won’t come back because people say his name.

Simple minds are easily amused.

You sound like a well informed and studious critic of thepolitical process. Well, as long as it fits in your little bubble. You don’t have to be a Trump supporter to see you’re an asshole.

I’m less interested by the minute. Rather than have anything interesting to say it seems to be going lock step into safe liberal territory. Black lead, set in the shittiest city in the country, and now this.

Assuming this patch fixes it (no really guys, we’ll get it right this time!) it’s still too late. Day 1 I played and spent over an hour stuck unable to go through a fucking door. I stopped playing.

What does this have to do with gaming?

The most fascinating part of the show, maybe the only fascinating part at this point, is how incredibly good the writers are at getting the audience to misread Rick. It’s happened at so many turns that I’m shocked to see it today.

Fair enough.

Only sometimes! Her usual is store bought but I grew up around an Italian lady that thought anything but homemade pasta was garbage so I learned at an early age. It’s not as time consuming or difficult as you might think. Give it a try. Start easy though with just some cheese or sausage.