Burning Mango

Would it beok to call it cathartic when I slaughtered black guys in RE5 because I’ve been mugged twice by black men?

If I didn’t have to deal with the likes of me daily, it would be a massive net gain.

People couldlike, read a book. Or go outside. Maybe talk with their mouths to other humans instead of fingers.

It’s ok if black people do it.

It’s just kid ravioli, spinach and cheese being her favorite. I don’t feel like a failure giving her what she likes rather than eggs or something (which she does like but not every single day) just because it’s not traditional breakfast food.

I didn’t realize parenting was a competition. I don’t want to be you. Nor do I give a shit if you approve of my style.

If they didn’t bother and told a better story they’d get ripped apart for not mentioning these types of characters. There is very little room to win over reviewers in 2016 who expect elaborate stories out of every type of minority. What is there really to say about war and those that fight it anymore?

It’s a spinach and whole grain thing and she loves it when she’s not in the mood for eggs. I don’t really care if it’s acceptable breakfast fare as long as she eats. Better than 40 lbs of sugar in a kid’s cereal I figure.

My daughter once told me “Daddy all done screen,” indicating I wasn’t giving her enough attention. Since then I rarely even have a phone or tablet around when she’s with me. If I do it’s when I’m expecting something genuinely important.

Congrats. Most of us have jobs and other obligations though and when my 2 year old is screaming at the top of her lungs after throwing her breakfast ravioli at me and now I need to have another shirt and tie on and be out the door in 8 minutes or get fired, you better believe Daniel Tiger is sitting with her.

As a Hillary supporter I can say she flopped hard last night. Trump hit her weakest points and truthfully pointed out that she pivoted and didn’t answer any of the hard questions.

Well he didn’t kill her so I agree he shouldn’t have been charged with murder. Why he was let off without any charges at all is a mystery but I don’t see in any way a murder here.

Long distance you mean? They do. I met my wife online when we were 2,800 miles apart. We met 3 years later for a week then almost 3 years after that we were able to finally be together in person.

Not sold at all yet. Those controllers look too slim and when it had 4 people playing they were downright tiny and uncomfortable looking. I don’t really believe after half assing motion controls and tablet hybrid stuff that Nintendo can pull this off.

This is all but guaranteed to be overshadowed by the RDR2 trailer. Which says a lot about Nintendo’s standing in 2016.

Even when I agree with her she sounds like a total rotten boil of a person.

The core game can only go so far. And a sequel would need to stand out as separate.

As a guy who has looked like a darker haired double for Leo my whole life, I can say with authority that women absolutely do find him attractive. The comparisons are always done in a gushing way and clearly I’m not a name or (sadly) a wallet.

Interesting. I didn’t know/ever consider that. I’ll pass though. I’m not going to put myself through that kind of mess to get attention. Somewhere out there is a job that wants me, not one I have to grovel and trick my way into. I may be broke but I’m not broken.

Age and color are irrelevant (unless it was like a 6 month old baby). You charge a cop with a bat, getting shot sounds about right. Was he supposed to let her bash him? Calmly back away? Why didn’t he use a Taser? Because cops are trained to use guns. They’re easier to reach in a panic and that isn’t going to change