Burning Mango

Nah. I actually do prefer a lower framerate for most games. 30-40 looks better to me.

Terrible comparison. Unless you’re saying the hardware is important but the software isn’t. Which would support my stance 100%.

Giving even the tiniest shit about what anyone else is playing, if they like what I play, or anything involving politics. I don’t need a pop up telling me what’s popular with others, I don’t want to ever EVER watch someone else play a game (I hated that when I was 5, it’s no better at 34), I really can’t give one shit

Oh, you’re mentally challenged. Sorry, I didn’t know.

Ok, my mistake. The master race doesn’t JUST complain about graphics. They also complain in the name of others over systems they don’t even own. Thanks for your concern about my money, but I’ll spend it how I like, thanks.

Being provoked or angry is up to the viewer. I wasn’t trying to upset anyone. I was stating, and I stand by it, that PC gamers complain about graphics a lot. I used hyperbole, I was snide. Neither is trolling and both are used regularly by Kotaku itself in writing articles.

Says the guy that can’t punctuate the end of a sentence.

1) Generalisations aren’t trolling.

It’s not trolling. PC-only gamers ravenously complain about every possible thing when it comes to graphics. It’s a statement of fact.

I snark with hyperbole then you try to call me out with an even more ridiculous stat except you’re being serious? Yeesh. Master race indeed.

It’s not a completely scientific conclusion but for being “master race” it sees 10 out of 10 stories about games on PC is bitching about something graphical they can’t do. From Arkham Knight to this, it’s kinda difficult to see how superior the platform is.

You bring up driving manual so you aren’t checking your phone but staying the hell off your phone isn’t listed at all? Huge miss.

For the last year or so I’ve been off and on thinking about Voodoo Vince. Even went and listened to the soundtrack a few times on Youtube. Glad this got announced before I rented a forklift to drag out my Xbox and play it.

So the kid shot first? Then who cares what race he is? Stop baiting fringe left jnto thinking everything is racial. Shooting at cops falls under justifiable as fuck when you get shot at in return. YOU are making it racial, not the cops.

Geez. Ok whatever.

One candidate doesn’t even come close to warranting defacing historic property. This is street trash ruining a 120 year old building over a stupid hashtag revolution. You don’t have to support Trump to think this kid is a shitty person.

That’s pretty much summed up my reaction to BLM from the start.

I’m used to multiple games releasing on the same day that I want. But it’s been a very long time since two released on a Friday that I want.

Sort of. It...answers it enough I suppose. I’d rather political opining be divorced from gaming coverage because one reason I play is to get away from that stuff. But I do understand someone else (the writers) not being able to draw that line as clearly.

Probably the best response you could have given. Bravo. And no, that isn’t sarcasm.