Burning Mango

It wasn’t a good $60 game and being free won’t make it any better. It’s just not very good at the basics. It gave me maybe an hour of fun at most and I was one of the suckers that paid full price.

Why don’t you guys stick to games and stop writing about politics?

If nothing positive ever happens, why do women ever accuse men?

So men always maliciously rape? Never once has a female used the allegation as revenge? Not one time?

It was only a matter of time. You can push for everything to go your way only so much before there have to be cooler heads prevailing. When he said she said automatically sides with her, there’s a problem. When long accepted rule of law is ignored (reasonable doubt) there is a problem.

Yeah well we didn’t need a reboot of Ghostbusters either but Jezebel jumped to defend the shit out of that one.

Wha does this have to do with gaming?

Haha what? I absolutely can ogle any woman I choose, what are you talking about? You’re the one flipping out because a guy might actually find a female attractive you man-hating psycho.

Now now, let’s be fair. If he did have a vaping device he absolutely should have been shot.

I want someone that has to sit with world leaders to not come across as cold and aloof. It’s a huge part of the job.

Are you 7 years old? Because that is silly. And childish. And never going to happen ever. Nor should it.

You don’t live like Trump if you aren’t pretty much pure ego. To Trump he is the greatest man that ever lived and he is attractive because he married a model. That’s as deep as it goes.

Pretty fucked when a guy can’t call a woman attractive without triggering you. He didn’t say he would rape her in the street. I guess we should just view women as blobs of flesh without features so we get to know her mind and soul?

Let’s turn it around for a second and see how this might have gone. Let’s say he apologized. He’d be blasted for all the other things he hasn’t apologized for. So that’s a dead end. Ok so what else? He could have denied it and been caught. Nah. He could have said she is very beautiful and...not won over any of you.

Agreed. Both went over several times (they always do) but he just rambled forever. My point was Holt did a poor job overall. We got 2 hours of two multimillionaires talking about themselves and maybe 15 minutes in there of any substance. Mostly from her.

Yeah, those ridiculous consumers wanting a product! How dare they be upset about a company delivering a game they don’t want!

Perception. No presidential candidate has ever been an underdog. It doesn’t matter as long as people think it. Go look at how many people use the word smug about Hillary’s performance. That is not a good thing.

He’s built his entire campaign around his persona, which is to be the anti-politician. Nothing is worse than seeing these people brush off and ignore questions entirely. It’s like the one good thing about him.

You address the problem perfectly. It should never have been up to Trump at all. Lester Holt hit Trump on taxes, birtherism, even nukes. Hillary got the gentlest of questions about emails from Holt. Trump had to do all the legwork.

She blatantly endangered national security. “Whoops” isn’t a good enough answer. Nor is giving everyone immunity. She’s getting a huge pass on an extremely damning issue because the alternative is so much worse.