Burning Mango

Could we please stop trying to shoehorn politics into everything? I play games to stay away from this shit. At least find better ties to gaming than ads from over a decade ago if you just can’t resist pushing it.

Where was the question about Hillary’s emails? You mean the softball gently glided at her to apologize?

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Yes, Jezebel is the perfect source to speak out about bias.

Less American, more far left from pretty much anywhere. The far right had been content to crybaby here and there about the same tired issues until all this started. Now because of a stubborn love for strangers, the far left has empowered the far right in ways we haven’t seen in decades.

Stop beating around the bush, Steam. Eventually we’re going to have to ask curators permission to buy games and submit 3 stupid memes per purchase. Just rip that bandaid off and let’s do this. Clearly there is no future for people that really don’t give a shit what others play or think (including friends) because I

Thanks but no thanks. I don’t take the commands of trolls on the internet. You feel free to do so though. We could always use the extra oxygen.

Let’s just create parts of town to make them live in. And take their businesses. Maybe make them wear colored armbands so we know who they are.

You have all sorts of rights, no question. That doesn’t make it right.

Not according to every crybaby post GM puts up about it. To hear the entirety of Gawker Media put it they lost because they outted Peter Thiel.

So he is the company? Sounds like a witch hunt to me. Now hundreds of people will be hurt at the company because tight sphincters are pulling support over one man. This is not freedom, it’s not responsible reporting, and it sure as hell isn’t gaming. It’s a personal smear campaign.

Well if you kept up you’d see that dropped support wasn’t even mentioned until the third story. It was written to expose his beliefs, not report on anything. Let’s just start revealing who is Muslim or Jewish too.

Because I don’t see what the fuck his political views have to do with gaming. I thought he (and incidentally I) lived in the US where you are given the freedom to believe whichever side you want without facing the fear of being thrown out to the wolves for it.

I asked when Luke did a write up but I guess it needs to be asked again. What the fuck does this have to do with gaming?

Because absent parents is totally not a thing, right? I’ve seen time and again that once a man was cut free from financially supporting a kid that he isn’t a part of the kid or mother’s life. It happens with women too (far far less frequently).

Kids and marriage aren’t a package deal though. We could argue whether they should be but without asking the guy I wouldn’t put too many words in his mouth. He could simply be comfortable. I stayed with an ex for about 3 years too long knowing it wouldn’t go anywhere because it fit where I was in my life. I’m not

I don’t see the connection. But in general, no.

According to the left since I’m a straight white guy there has been blood and rape and planet killing on my hands for centuries before I was born.

So what exactly does this have to do with gaming?

We’re trying too hard to remove the buyer beware from buying. People shouldn’t be protected from bad investments just because the sales tactics were harsh. If you are serious about an education you should do a little bit of footwork yourself. Signing up for classes without even looking at the cost? What the FUCK are