Burning Mango

It’s almost as if people treat actions with consequences. How dare someone with money on the line judge a person they hire! How could a guy possibly have reservations being serious with someone that sold their body? Unthinkable!

Stop having sex at these things entirely. You’re doing it with some of the worst kinds of people in western culture. So just say no and that’s that. Everything done would be assault or rape, report it to cops and move on.

Homes have equity, rentals don’t. Think of it as a percentage of your rent is money you get back when you move out. I own my own home outright. So when I move out I’ll get the full value of it. The maintenance costs in between are nothing compared to that.

You sound like oneof the confusrd ones Blizzard is aiming at. If you play CoD you aren’t thinking or something. Battlefield doesn’t run on either.

Steam has forced me to believe I’m an 85 year old man. Any change they make immediately strikes me as bad and any further tweaks to that change just make it worse.

I find it interesting that people treat these stories like clowns are a menace. How many clowns have actually caused harm? Like 3 ever? And I bet 2 of those are just be falling on another clown getting out of the car.

Is the world so peaceful and awesome now that we give a shit about this? Even if this mod landed the guy a job, so what? He’ll either get fired when he isn’t competent, sued when he steals, or more likely it won’t matter because it isn’t a job you’d get anyway.

This above all other issues is why Trump has a chance. Call it bigoted or racist or Islamophobic or whatever you want, the title is less important than the hard fact that the majority of Americans don’t want a flood of refugees with questionable motives. Even the fact that most (by far) are perfectly ok people doesn’t

I didn’t even imply it doesn’t happen. Of course it does and I never said a word about the statute of limitations either. What I said was victims allow it to happen because they’re more interested in fame than their wellbeing. I’m not sure if you meant to respond to someone else or just missed every point I was

Stop watching True Detective. The only reason nothing has happened is a chain of people not talking. Nobody is above the law. What happens is victims won’t come forward and (rarely) cops won’t pursue.

People now watch people walk. Christ.

Come on Rockstar. You know we want a new game. Or at least entice me with singleplayer content. I burned out on GTAO long ago because it's absolutely packed with assholes. The couple of times I've gone back it's been...packed with assholes. No amount of content is going to make me want to deal with the fanbase so

Well yeah. You’re being snide but sometimes a prank is just a prank and you should shrug it off.

Pretty damn funny. We need more banana throwing and less people with entire bunches up their ass. Make sure you call it racism before we find out it could be lack of foresight. White college guys are always evil, never just stupid.

So did the NYT like swing by the Jezebel offices and murder all the plants and eat everyone’s lunch or what? Way too many posts lately getting all catty about it but I seem to have missed why.

Interesting how nobody ever actually points to the causes. There’s a pretty distinct reason each happened more in 2015 than say 2013 or 2007.

Never stops amazing me how wrapped up people get in canon. Like it truly matters what a suit somewhere says happened or not in a fictional universe. It so rarely plays out in any meaningful way.