

That was a different guy, you racist!

In the period of time, all top level vampires were given a standard issue onesie to be worn at all times.

Ah, gotcha.

Ah, I see. Thanks.

Can someone explain why the last guy who was wearing the hood was shot dead but the previous wearers were immune to bullets?

It wouldn't have worked because Butch was brought in to help Penguin last week via Zsasz so he wouldn't have been in this episode at all if it were meant to air first. What doesn't make any sense (besides most other things) is that last week Butch was basically a walking zombie and this week he's totally normal.

I agree Citroëns are pretty cool cars. I'm more critiquing the lazy way in which the writers substituted genuine character development for a quirky car.

And that affected weird Citroen he drove.

I'm Blue Turtlin' just thinking about it.

Is hating on Corden the new cool hipster thing to hate on?

Well, all of the faux internet outrage surrounding Best Buy making their joke has given them even more advertisement, so it's a win win for them. And I was capable enough of realizing that humor does not mean lack of respect for the subject matter. Those two things are more than capable of coexisting.

Nah, Adnan let them borrow his cell phone.

A brilliant addition to your already brilliant original comment. All around, just simply brilliant. Don't ever settle for mediocrity. We need more of your level of brilliance in the world.

I made the mistake of inquiring about Trunk Club and then had someone hound me on the phone for weeks about signing up.

Aren't they actually demonstrating how very in touch they are by referencing one of the biggest pop culture moments of the year?

I stole at least 100K from the mosque and that was just last Friday's collection! What about you?

I wasn't on board till maybe episode 3, then I was absolutely enthralled and had to keep listening.

Correct. These women are pursuing civil charges (or preferably out of court settlements).