
I ranted about this in Slack, but what bothers me about these bullshit foul calls the most (because I am the kind of weirdo who thinks about things in these terms) is: They’re not penalizing defenders for breaking basketball rules. They’re affirmatively rewarding offensive players for successfully play-acting.

poor guy didn’t know the deer was Blitzen.

Seriously. That place is like a human-nazi-centipede.

hillary just as bad! right?! FUCKING E-MAILS RIGHT?!

My fellow commenters never star my shit. It isn’t because it isn’t funny, it’s because you all are a bunch of bad teammates. I’ve gone to management repeatedly about this and they kept saying who are you? And please stop talking to us. Magary just sent me a link to his book and HamNo just yelled unions repeatedly. It

Wait, fuck, I missed this part of the story:

To be fair, I don’t think Trump was referring to Langer when he said “that German guy had some interesting thoughts.”