This sets a dangerous precedent for Sony... in Europe. However, since America is a plutocracy, they'll be safe here.
This sets a dangerous precedent for Sony... in Europe. However, since America is a plutocracy, they'll be safe here.
If ISPs were regarded as common carriers none of this would have happened. You can "thank" the Bush administration for reclassifying them.
All I know is that Leslie Nielsen is about to be charged with assault with a cement dildo.
@gatsu25: Ooh, ooh! Don't forget a new Darkstalkers game!
@orijimi: That video gave me stomach upset. I'm sending Bay-bieber a bill for some Pepto-Bismol.
@Masonvrocks: A Canadian pop star who looks like he should have stayed in the womb for a couple more months.
That fetus? Are you kidding me? Blech, he doesn't even look like he should have been BORN yet.
@CookieNinja: Who cares? If the only games that sell on the Wii are Nintendo games, they get all the profits.
My mom loves this series. I'm happy to say I was the one who introduced it to her.
@Krackatoa was hit by a smooth criminal: I'd start a boycott, but I never buy Rockstar games anyway. The immensely overrated Grand Theft Auto IV cured me of that.
@cihx: Sorry, Mass Effect 2 has that award all locked up.
@Nihilexistentialist: Blammo.
I hate to say "I told you so..."
@rogue32: It's a start. Unfortunately, the reason people go with Comcast is because it's one stop shopping for entertainment and communications. Sign up and you get television and internet and phone service, all under one bill. I don't see anyone else offering this aside from AT&T U-Verse, which has nowhere near…
@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: What other choice do you have but Comcast? For all intents and purposes, it's a monopoly... pick any given town and chances are it will be serviced by Comcast OR Time-Warner OR Charter, not all three at once. When you're not happy with the service, the only thing you can do is go…
@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: When dealing with a large corporation, only the investors get heard. The customers can get bent, especially with Comcast which is practically a monopoly in most of the areas it serves.
Wouldn't even be a problem if Comcast had Com-petition. The government shouldn't be giving these guys de facto monopolies. If you live in an area with Comcast, chances are you can't get anything else, or at least anything as fast.
I'm going with fake on this one... the ragged pixels and blurry screens tell a tale the creator of the mock-up wanted to keep silent. We could see something similar to this at E3, though!
@D Mitsuki, Gotta have guts kid!: Or maybe (gasp!) I have a different viewpoint than you. I know, what a concept! People can disagree with you and not be wrong!
Personally, I thought Bayonetta was the refinement of everything Shinji Mikami wanted to do with God Hand. It's got the same wacky sense of humor and high-impact combat but without that horrible turn-walk-turn control and awkward over the shoulder viewpoint. If there was anything wrong with God Hand, it was those…