
You look like Gilbert Gottfried with more hair below the nose, and less hair above it.

@Kobun: You know other people have won that Cream doll just to take it home and do terrible, terrible things to it.

Consoles are losing features they already had? Man, that's just weird.

Gee, I remember when I used to play video games on video game systems.

@Edfire77: Nope, sounds like you got it all. I wonder if they're going to let you freely transfer music between the system and flash drive?

You know what else would be great, Hyrb? Making USB controllers compatible with the Xbox 360 so I can use a damned Saturn pad without gutting it and turning it into a Frankenstein's Monster first. The USB ports are RIGHT THERE. Let me plug something other than your overpriced joysticks into them.

@ElephantFace: Typical. Journalists just never pass up a chance to give Rockstar fellatio. I played GTA4 and hated, hated, HATED it. It's not fit to wipe Mass Effect 2's ass after taco night.

And yet they fired the creators of this cash cow. GOOD JERB!

@Alex_Mexico: Yeah, they made her head so enormous she looks like a Macy's parade float.

@IamTheS: That IS important! King has all the sexual appeal of Ellen Degeneres (who she strongly resembles) but as a fighter, few can top her. Some of her moves are just devastating, especially the Trap Shot.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Fun, but unfinished. It felt like half a game, which has been a problem with SNK lately. Maximum Impact had the same problem, and it's even more pronounced in KOF XII.

It looks just like the last one! What's the big deal?

@Arganova: Well, it is a *Japanese* game.

This is just for the Goldies, right?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but this isn't Rockstar's fault. This guy should have a little more self-control.

Yeah, I've pointed out this similarity to my friends for years. Grant Walker even looks a bit like Andrew Ryan, albeit not as pudgy.

Because every newscast features a close up of the reporter's gams.

I've heard of sore losers, but this is ridiculous. Conservatives, you lost. Decisively. You can't throw an armed tantrum and get the presidency back. Where is your love for democracy?