mandy patinkin

What's wrong with Cisco..? I like him a lot.

Is his accent sounding strange to anyone else? Also I have hard time buying him as straight, to be honest.

I'm curious as to how non-Arrow watchers receive Felicity because I don't know if it's just because I've seen her on Arrow for 2+ seasons that makes me think she's much more interesting and better suited for Barry as a love interest or because Iris really is that thinly drawn and whatever as a character.

Is anyone else kind of bothered by the bleeping out of curse words? It's used way too often to have any sort of comedic impact.

Soooooo…does anyone else remember when Wentworth Miller played an evil cheerleader on Popular? Because he brought as much over-the-top, pulpy smarminess to this show as he did to that one which I appreciate. The Flash has such great command of its tone and I like how a performance like that can go up against the

I don't necessarily mind Zooey either but she plays everything a little too wide-eyed 'ain't I cute' for me. Cristin is much more effortless and natural.

Cristin Milioti is so, so lovely and she really deserves a better show because this one is kind of milquetoast and just isn't cutting it. I keep imagining her in Zooey Deschanel's place on New Girl, which is kind of making me sad because it'll never happen and I really dig the idea of it.

Two out of three of the kids from The Middle aren't really "kids" though. Is Sue still in junior high because Eden Sher is like 25 or something by now…

Yeah, maybe I was just a little shit but I never cared when my parents said they were disappointed in me. Like, okay cool, but am I grounded or not?

I liked this episode but I thought the resolution of the spanking dilemma was kind of hokey. It very much felt like they didn't want to take a side and were instead playing broadly on both sides for laughs, which made the ending ring untrue to me. They did an okay job exploring all the dimensions of the situation in

Aw, man, I'm sad this show is probably getting cancelled now because I really dug this episode. John Cho and Karen Gillan are just really very charming and the joke writing is getting better and better every week. Kevin crying like Eddie Murphy made me laugh every. single. time.

Olivia Munn is legitimately great on it. Everyone else vacillates between downright cringeworthy and adequate.

Oh, good, it's not just me who can't stand him. He has the worst case of the Colin Josts - insufferable smugness wrapped up in a thick outer layer of stiff and wooden blandness.

Yeah, the extremism confused me a little too. As a general rule, I think TV shows should devolve into absurdity and farce a lot later in a show's run when the characters are more developed and the audience has been given a chance to get to know them. Going so broad in the second episode just makes them seem like dumb

About a Boy is really kind of mediocre but the thought of David Walton being on yet another failed show is kind of depressing so I hope it gets renewed for his sake.

Casey Wilson needs to turn it down a notch or twenty. Her hyperactive shrillness worked when she was one part of an ensemble, but as the ostensible lead in her own show, her performance is in some serious need of calibration. She is super grating and annoying in this.

Yeah, Barry's strategy was basically the superhero equivalent of a tired mom looking at her kid running circles in the backyard and going, 'Eh. He'll tire himself out soon'.

I bet he doesn't really need glasses either and he's just wearing them to look cool.

I just realized, the villain was so freakishly bald because he was on death row and about to be gassed.

If this were Gotham, she would have said, "We were like Firestorm and Killer Frost."