
It reminds me of my Dad who went to the hospital because he couldn’t breathe due to a lump in his neck he hadn’t told anyone about. (He was “that guy” who didn’t want to know what it was in case it was bad.)

That’s terrible. I can’t stand the guy, and he is by most accounts a loathsome douchebag, but I would never wish cancer on...almost anyone.

What’s bizarre is this take is so off, and his actual words were a spew of full on rage. He was LIVID and dropped two F Bombs in a row and clearly blamed the mob and Dump for every last thing. He flat out said that it was because they were white—”If this had been BLM protesters they would have been shot in the face!

I have a friend at Capitol Records, and her day has been complicated by the fact that they didn’t actually bother to license it.

These thugs that did that need to be jailed

My guess was “Ted Cruz.”

Everyone who pushed or detained this young woman should be arrested and prosecuted. I hope we all support freedom of speech, but as soon as it crosses into assault, everyone who does it regardless of race should be prosecuted.

Natalicchio confirmed to The Root that about 20 police officers were present but did not intervene in the mobbing—prompting her and two other bystanders to ultimately rescue Nibo.

Hateful fuckers.  How did her friends let her get separated like that?  I know her friends aren’t the people in the wrong, but in dangerous situations people have to stick together like glue.  Hold hands if necessary.  I’m really glad she wasn’t hurt more than she was, but it sounds like it was bad enough to cause

Again a total jerk tries to cover his tracks by saying his racism and anti semitism was “satire”. I read some of his stuff and it was NOT satire..that’s what he really thinks.
“A hiatus” is way too short pal, the world can do without your pithy insights, thanks. And don’t get me started on how badly I feel that your lit

My commiserations. My mom was like this too. When I was 13, she left me in charge of making dinner before she got home from work. She’d give me a menu but no recipes. I was supposed to reverse-engineer those dishes using my memory and my imagination. I’d also get criticized for my first several miserable attempts at

Bean Dad is also in a band, and one of their songs has for years been the intro to a popular podcast, My Brother, My Brother and Me. The McElroy brothers have promptly launched a search for a new song. I really liked that song, but hoo boy!

A better parent would ask their kid how they think a can opener works and, if needed, teach their kid how a can opener works. Then let them fail.

At the absolute least this was a fantastically hideous way to teach your daughter that expressing your needs to others results in being made to feel stupid and uncomfortable. What an excellent way to teach a child that you’re not allowed to have needs and if you do, you damn well better not expect others to care about

Jesus fuck those screenshots.  “Bean Dad” aka John Roderick, that guy is a straight-up nazi!   Literally using “the founders intented the USA as a white homeland” as justification for....i mean, anything?!?!  What the actual fuck dude.

Lord I hope that daughter knows how to screen cap and she saves ALL the tweets, chats, blogs, and comments ripping her dad’s asshole. That kind of ammo only comes about once in a lifetime ... but will be forever useful.

For revenge, the daughter should’ve hidden his jigsaw puzzle box. After all, he should be able to figure out without any help from the picture, right?

I coach jr high basketball. This season I’ve “bean” inspired, I’m going mute during practice and just going to let them figure out the flex offense for theirselves

Don’t trust Ken Jenning’s apology of this dude. I personally was at a Half Priced Books browsing used stuff when I heard 2 kids just screaming and tearing up the place like heathens, no parent reigning them in or getting them to go outside - they were Ken Jenning’s kids. I’m just saying ...

This dude sounds like a Complete Asshole. Assuming his daughter is under the age of 12 and literally can’t just walk into the kitchen and fix themselves a sandwich this is basically child abuse.