
I was honestly shocked that you couldn’t be sued for this?? Like it seems so obviously misleading about their lives.

As do I. I used to work in hospitality and one of the big perks of my job was the opportunity to stay at some pretty fancy-ass hotels and resorts, usually at greatly reduced rates, sometimes on a comp basis (18 years later, I still can’t believe I got to spend a night at Villa d’Este gratis). That said, in the 20

The thing about Dolly you got to admire is throughout her illustrious career , she took grief about her looks and style and you know a lot of it had to hurt...but she kept on being Dolly. She kept singin’ and smilin’. For decades. And she’s still going! She’s still standing being who she is. Fan or not, you got to

I really don’t even want to get into that argument, I really don’t.

That said, I’ll take subsidized and regulated fruit which is made free to needy portions of the population over what we had 4 years ago or the feces-smeared fruit we’re being served now.

Also, I like oranges. Just saying.

Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.

Ian really sounds like a Kremlin agent in this article.

You know, I would be a lot more on board with Biden skepticism if it was powered by actual concerns and not baldfaced lies like this:

What surprised me even more about Biden is that he apparently seems to genuinely want to go after Trump with charges and investigations post-election. I honestly thought he would go the whole “we need to heal” route and just pre-emptively pardon him to just make him go away... but it seems as thought that may not

Yep, I haven’t tasted this much salt since getting a mouthful of Galveston saltwater from when I was a kid *puke*

Yeah.. I understand this isn’t as progressive as many on the left would prefer, but to say it’s “very little substance” is just a gross misuse of that phrase — it’s incredibly substantial, with concrete policy goals and figures.

Oh, for... This is a ridiculous article.

The Biden campaign made a cheery and silly Animal Crossing island. It’s neat. It will change few minds (and it shouldn’t) but it’s a nice, silly diversion.

I’m sorry you’re tired (we all are, because Holy Shit this administration) but this whole article is like a festival of

Much like Biden’s presidential platform, there’s very little substance here”

i find it adorable how he looks around to make sure no one’s watching before he lip synchs. this man is pure charm. 

i mean, i’ll never meet this man but his video made me instantly wish I were his best friend, so yeah, it’s powerful stuff. He gives negative fucks and in 2020, that’s heroic. 

Well, you can Go Your Own Way, but there’s obviously a Landslide of affection for this Gypsy.

I can't listen to that song without hearing the "Stevie Nicks Fajita Round up" lyrics.

Cranberry-raspberry, I love that juice

Good for him. I just hope neither Ocean Spray nor Fleetwood Mac pulls a dick move and sues him over copyright infringement. I don’t foresee that, but hey, 2020.

It’s the little “S’up” chin lift that draws you in and the surprise-and-surprisingly-earnest lip-synching that captures your heart.

But also, maybe people will finally take this epidemic seriously. If Donald Trump has to get sick and die for his supporters to start wearing their fucking masks when in public, it’s a sacrifice worth making.