
Let’s be honest: short of DNA, photographic or video evidence, or something else similarly conclusive, there is no way to know what exactly happened between Joe Biden and Tara Reade thirty years ago. If it was rape, the statue of limitations has long since passed so he can’t be prosecuted for it. He’s no longer a

We have a serial harasser in the White House right now. If my only viable choices are between this man and the Current Occupant (and no third party candidate has a viable chance at winning the upcoming election, so these are our options), it is obvious which of the two will be better for women. The Occupant only

Its a tough one all right. I mean the president raped a woman in a department store dressing room but apparently is not charged with this heinous crime.

Nearly 100 people have died from COVID-19 in just one nursing home in my city. Abortion rights have been gutted. The courts are fucked for generations. The deficit is staggering. The environment is ruined. Our international reputation is in tatters. Nazis with tiki torches are very fine people. Racists are emboldened.

Do I believe the Tara Reade who claimed Biden sexually assaulted her, or the one who claimed that nothing sexual ever happened between them?

The very naked attempt by the Bernie people for pushing this under some belief that this somehow makes Bernie the nominee - there is an entire genre of tweet online based around this - and the faux concern for Reade beyond her use as a political weapon...I just can’t. It should also be very telling that the Trump

Biden’s campaign has responded. They have said that that all women should be heard, and that Joe Biden strongly denies the allegations. That’s a response.

A malpractice suit will unlikely be successful. I’m an ER doc and I admit that I don’t have this particular person’s medical records, so I can only speak in generalities. There are strict admission criteria for any medical condition and just because someone tests positive for covid-19, that alone is insufficient.

No, even if they had tested her they would have treated her the same, medically speaking. Tests are scarce and so is everything else. Even in normal circumstances you don’t get admitted unless you are pretty bad off. Having a positive test is helpful for YOU, so you can try to not infect other people. But it doesn’t

Precisely what I was thinking.  Those strawberries ain’t picking themselves, Stevie. 

Evil Elmer Fudd, err, little Stevie Miller needs to ask who will he, and all the other republicans, get to do the jobs that white, right-leaning, MAGhats don’t want to do such as picking fruits and vegetables from the fields, cleaning their homes and caring for their children? And who will then impregnate, and then

Here’s a rabbit hole...

I’ve managed movie theaters. I’ve fired employees because I caught them rinsing and reselling cups.

ya his diabetes, obesity probably caused his death more than Corona did.

SHIPLAP. So, no. 

Exactly. If I had a 2% chance of dying every time I got in my car or on an airplane, I would never drive or fly.

Stupid people see a 2% death rate and think “That’s not that much...we can handle that” as if each person who got it would end up 2% dead. No, the dead are 100% dead, and to them, their parents and kids, lovers and friends, 100% dead is devastating.

More importantly, does anyone know what’s happening with comments here? Why do I have to waste precious few seconds of my extremely busy day doing absolutely fuck all to drag my bloated, heavy, barely functioning, finger across my mousepad to click ‘reload’ in order to view the vitriol and hilarity in the comments.

It is nearly impossible to overestimate how stupid and conservative management can be.

They’re making leaps and bounds in quality