
There is only one Cirque employee who deserves to be fired: the guy who does rigging and scuba at The O. He’s the type of guy who leads on his girlfriend for SIX YEARS before dumping her with no warning, and who waited for that lovely, smart, educated, talented woman’s parents to take them to Prague and Vienna the

Why do I suspect that this dude, as well as the company’s governing board, are going to get their usual bonuses this year?

Yeah, I don’t understand this either. If they are actually laid off, then they legally have to be paid out for any accrued wages, including PTO. It’s nice that the full-time workers will have health insurance for another six months, but once again, part-time and contract workers are screwed.

I gotta say, I never fell for Rudy after 9/11—I’ve always been baffled how the photo ops seemed to win people over—but I’m warming up to Cuomo and unlike Rebecca, I otherwise have an unreasonable dislike of the man. Actually, I think I’m being reasonable when I do.

Sweetie, no. He’s a petty man who won’t put aside his beef with de Blasio for a unified public health message. Take some of the coronavirus theater with a grain of salt. I see cynical politicians trying to create a Giuliani 9/11 moment for themselves.

Dear Sweet Marie, what has happened to our Rebecca? If you’re a neighbor of hers, check on her, would you?

I just started paying close virus attention this week and now I am paying too much attention, maybe.

On Wednesday, my company announced that we’d be holding a “remote work trial” Thursday through Tuesday. Everyone in my office was like, “Yeah... See you in April.” Thursday afternoon, the corporate overlord CEO sent out an email asking everyone who could to work from home until further notice. By Friday afternoon, all

The pandemic is starting to get to me here and there, but not without reason:

My dudes. I have had a win!!! I received word from my state’s Victims of Crime department and they BELIEVE ME. All the facts laid out to them in black and white and they are on my side. And they have paid me the highest amount available for the nature of the crime, plus lost wages. So to celebrate, I took myself off

People are starting to panic shop here, and I’m starting to worry about what will happen if everyone is quarantined? Will I not be allowed to go to work? Will I lose my job? We did our best to celebrate my husband’s birthday yesterday, much more subdued than usual, but I managed to badly decorate a cake, an orange

Yea I never understood the seething hatred people here have for him. I understand if people didn’t want him to be the nominee but calling him a republican in sheep’s clothes is ridiculous. Unless there are a number of Republicans that ran on universal childcare, 50 billion dollars to HBCUs, free college for anyone

Booker was also a Star Trek nerd. Even if I don’t agree with all of their politics I find it heartening that fans of a hopeful show are in politics. 

“We have a nice selection of elderly people in our small neighborhood, so I’ve stocked up on rice, beans, pasta, farro, a variety of Aisian noodles, canned vegetables, shelf milk, coconut milk, butter, frozen vegetables, lots of flatbread in the freezer, etc.”

I know it’s policy at Jezebel to scorch every move Pete Buttigieg makes, but he’s not running for president anymore.

We have a nice selection of elderly people in our small neighborhood, so I’ve stocked up on rice, beans, pasta, farro, a variety of Aisian noodles, canned vegetables, shelf milk, coconut milk, butter, frozen vegetables, lots of flatbread in the freezer, etc. Made a big pot of collard greens to freeze. Because I think

He may be the human embodiment of oatmeal - bland, both in color and flavor - but I’ll take all the boring nutrition I can these days.

Actually, it was when Kate and Wills staff thru Meghan and Harry to the tabloids when William was heavily rumored/believed to be having an affair with the wife of a couple they were very good friends with in the country.

William and Kate do not look happy, Harry looks miserable, and I’m sure Meghan is smiling for the camera. If you look at their wedding pictures, it’s amazing how much William and Kate have aged in less than a decade. It’s not easy have three young kids, but they really look older than 38. I hope after all this drama

I think the dinner scene would be more like Harry yelling at William and the rest of the family, “The racists came for my wife and you did nothing!”