
Black people aren’t with Bernie because we have heard the call for economic liberation before and we know it has never included us. Warren was more convincingly inclusive in her ideals for working class and middle class people.

Now that the 80 year old’s been to Costco, he’s for sure signed his own death warrant. Smart way to go, let the last cough be wine stained.

I am a white college educated suburban-dwelling Minnesota woman who supported Klobuchar from the day she announced her candidacy. I have some thoughts on your article. First, it was not cold in Minnesota on Super Tuesday — it was 43. Practically balmy for winter here.

Do you really find Klobuchar’s appeal inexplicable?

Do you really find Klobuchar’s appeal inexplicable? Putting aside that every candidate has flaws and shortcomings and Klobuchar was obviously no different...inexplicable? You can’t muster the energy to begin to credibly and fairly rationalize what it is about her, her personality, her performances in the final few

The disconnect for me is that even a high school drop out should realize an omnicompetent policymaker is a better choice than a billionaire buying an election. I got my degree late in life but that doesn’t mean younger me didn’t appreciate competent and learned leadership.

Thanks for this write-up. I turned on the special last weekend because I had an hour to kill, but didn’t expect much. I was pleasantly surprised at his storytelling ability, like you said. That opener about Louis CK was fantastic, and he handed the Ariana stuff considerately IMO.

....wait, what? There’s a dog-whistle Scotch egg connection between topping and bottoming? Please, for the love of all that’s holy, someone has to explain just a LITTLE more about this.

His husband didn’t even want to do a public event at a gay bar because there was a stripper pole FFS!

God, Rich just couldn’t resist getting in one more “Pete’s not gay enough” hot take.
This need that some people seem to have for Pete and Chasten to be some kind of overtly performative, stereotyped version of a gay couple is kind of like if people in 2008 were wondering why Obama didn’t rap more on the campaign trail.

Your shoulder okay there, buddy? I’m not a boomer, but I have to admit, as someone who is no longer a spring chicken, if I’d clapped myself on the back as hard as you just did, I’d probably dislocate mine.

I mean, if you don’t live in Brooklyn, do you even really live, though?

Exactly this! It just feels like such obvious hypocrisy that I can’t understand how it garners praise.

They showed us that we are not all walking stereotypes, which seemed to really irk so many in the “gay community”. So many hateful articles were written about Pete questioning his “gayness” because he didn’t fit in to their idea of what a gay person should be like.

It never ceases to amaze how it isn’t obvious that this type of gatekeeping isn’t comically hypocritical to anybody who supports sexual freedom and LGBTQ+ rights. “People should be free to love who and how they want! Except for that... and that... and that...” I don't know why these articles exist, they're regressive

And to think. All it took was for Buttigieg to drop out of the race for someone from Jezebel or the Root to finally write a informative article about him. Instead we got opinionated, snarky bull-shit about how he’s really white and had a whiskey collection in college leading up to this. What a fucking waste.

If you all knew anything about Pete & Chasten, you’d know there isn’t a fake or “staged” bone in their bodies.

Cool, so at least we’ve answered the question, “will those shitty ‘is Pete Buttigieg gay enough’ articles continue to be published even after he’s dropped out?”

What a lazy hot take.

When I moved to NYC from Cali in 2000 there were 2 tragic things I noticed immediately: coffee, produce and drugs sucked compared to the Bay Area and there was no Trader Joes.