
It is equal parts fascinating and horrifying to see the British press bend over backwards to turn their inbred prince’s child molesting into a story about how terrible a black woman is for protecting her children.

snoop’s was one of the most vile example’s of humankind, while jabbar’s was one of the most gracious & eloquent. one classless & one classy. seems snoop thinks cuz of the hell black men have been thru, that black women should keep their mouths shut & support them thru all things, no matter how bad, or hurtful to black

I rankle at the “when he was just 24” part of this. That’s a little too close to “boys will be boys” for my liking. Otherwise right on.

Testosterone IS a magical drug that makes people better at sports. That is why it is banned for elite athletes to have found in their systems.

But a man and a woman who are the same height and weight will not perform equally even if they do the exact same training for their entire lives because of testosterone. 

that doesn’t work.  Even at the same height and weight, men’s hormones give them the advantage over women.  They have greater lean body mass and higher VO2 max

Until we hold celebrities to the same standards as the rest of us, this shit (rapes and insincere apologies alike) will keep happening.

I love all the snark on Pete Davidson, who’s done nothing except date people and tell jokes YOU don’t like, meanwhile Amber Heard is still your fucking  hero.   I’ve been waiting for retractions to all your articles calling Depp the abuser or even JUST ONE admitting she lied but nah.  Gotta keep up the narrative. 

I posted this as part of a reply to another Trans-athlete article a few weeks ago. The point stands and is in fact more salient here than it was when I last posted it:

Eville, not as growth because that comes from within. His Mom got on his butt, that’s different to me. Had his Mom not gotten on to him, he wouldn't have apologized. 

Thank you Mr. Abdul-Jabbar.

*smug high-pitched voice* “Just another reason to use Airbnb.

It is quite amusing that a guy who lives with his mom also lives rent free in the minds of this website’s writers. Good for him.

Mr. Abdul-Jabbar is correct and everything about his letter was perfect. I was thinking I wonder how would Snoop feel if someone stepped to his Mom, wife, or daughter like that. Both Snoop and 50 need to sit their ass down somewhere and SHUT UP! Both need to grow up and learn how to treat people. Damn, it's not hard

I 100% believe these girls who were born as boys identify as female and are trans.

Wait... you all get TV’s in your hotel rooms? How many hours do you have to rent to get a room with a TV?

Am I the only person who doesn’t see Tom Hanks so much as “America’s Dad” but as a canny ambitious actor/entrepreneur, who at first lucked into and later carefully chose roles that changed him from loveable asshole in “Bachelor Party” to the 21st century Jimmy Stewart we now see him as?

I’ve always avoided this one because, despite the Ephron pedigree, it looked like some Hollywood studio exec said, “hey, we should capitalize on this whole ‘online’ trend!”

This is a great review. I think it glosses a bit over just how creepy Tom Hank’s character is during the film, but now I’m curious to see it again. Joe completely grossed me out when I first saw it. I guess that means I’ll never fall in love with a Republican.

France, can we talk?