
The bros declaring a Fatwah on the most powerful union in NV seems like a really stupid fucking idea if they want Sanders to do well in the upcoming caucus 

Well he’s not exactly lying about Patrick Sharp. I’m getting Justin Trudeau with Superman hair vibes from this picture.

I think a large part of it is that Bernie just isn’t that well liked by a good chunk of the base regardless of ideology— his support among older voters is roughly as strong as Biden’s among younger voters.

My ridiculous electric company pushed their app at me for months. They still throw a line or two in every email to remind me they have one.

All I know about the current state of American politics is that my husband keeps coming up behind me and kissing me on the neck and murmuring “Joe Biden” and I can’t be held legally responsible for what happens to him the next time he does it.

you can’t even make this shit up

They might not. I don’t***. If they’re older they may have paid it off (and/or not had as much in the first place), they may have had families who could pay for college or gotten scholarships. My understanding is that while Gen X and boomers may be dealing with some student debt, the ones really being clobbered by the

He’s actually not leading. He’s tied and technically slightly behind Pete Buttigieg. And again, my hypothesis is that the white, educated female voter that is the bedrock of Warren’s support were never supporting her primarily on policy grounds.

It’s not that perplexing. The voters we’re talking about are some of the more pragmatic voters you’re going to find. They may have liked Warren’s policy proposals, but they mostly understand that Warren’s policy wishlist has very little relationship to what a Warren presidency could hope to achieve. So they really

I can only offer my own thoughts on this I’m a white, college educated woman living in NH. I voted for Klobuchar.

Very true! That’s why 60+% was never a consideration like 2016. But Bernie needs to find a way to get to 50% nationwide. Considering his huge advantages in NH, getting only 26%, particularly without Warren blocking him, says to me that path to 50% is unlikely.

Maybe Bernie shouldn’t have gone all in on supporting caucuses at a time when the majority of the DNC pushed to phase them out? 

Seriously? He literally has a heart condition and is almost an octogenarian. If he was your father, grandfather etc and you cared about him would you want him to have the most stressful job in the world? Yet those who love him are cool with that because Us means him and/or whoever he decides to have as a running mate.

Sure, he won, but does it “belong” to Bernie when he only won 26% of the vote? Which means that 74% of voters picked someone other than Bernie?

Here are the only possible outcomes:

Ugh. Look, I’m totally going to vote for whoever gets the nomination, and as much as I hate it, it looks like it’s gonna be this old guy. But man, I have absolutely no faith that he can beat Trump. Like none. White American isn’t gonna vote for a Jewish socialist, it just ain’t gonna happen. The moment he gets the nom

Folks have been saying that turnout in Iowa was low because most Democrats are fine with whoever wins the nomination, so, except for the Bernie people, nobody is really excited about one candidate. I’ll state that Amy is best suited to be Chief Executive, and she’ll mop the floor with Trump in debates (though that’s

Someone in my twitter feed was like ‘klobuchar is the candidate that will be able to DESTROY Trump in the debates,” and all I could think was that trump could eat his boogers during the debates and his fans would still vote for him. The debates between T and the dem candidate are going to be totally useless. There is

Regardless of how Amy does, Biden needs to just pack it in after New Hampshire. The two of them are now polling neck and neck in the state at about 11%. Some front-runner.