@HammerheadFistpunch: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
@HammerheadFistpunch: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
@GGear0323: Being injured *and* walking would impair one's aim.
@BoxOfScraps: Maybe Amanda Perry and Ginn are on the obelisk planet with TJ's baby and the scientists.
@Onizuka-GTO: It's called a sleeping pill at my house, too.
@FrabjousDay: Agreed, flajailing is more of a third date topic.
@onthephonetomonday: Before high blood pressure meds, I had a tendency toward severe headaches (almost migraines but not *technically* migraines because I don't suffer from the classic symptoms). I do react to light and sound, but the WORST aspect for me is that smells are amplified to unbearable levels. The smell of…
@FrabjousDay: The BD/sm forums are rife with guys who like to talk about how they are "dominate" and enjoy "dominanting" submissive women (sometimes written as "domminating"). [yes I spent some time there, don't judge ;-) ]
@xodallas: Spend some time at the Fark website in the comment threads and see all the macho men have hissy fits about how "ZOMG IT'S JUST WRONG". A few dudes are sensible, and some even support it (or fetishize it). I don't shave in the winter, husband doesn't care: he's more interested in what's north of that. And…
I was living at my father's house when I was 22 and starting college (I was late). A previous roommate of mine asked if she could move in. My father said yes, he liked her okay, and things were good for a few weeks. Then she starts hanging out with this gay, underage, twink boy who liked to wear makeup, and she pretty…
@CR8ON: No, not the big guns! The erstwhile editor would never be able to recuperate from that kind of attack.
We already have one religion based on an amazing man who came out of a woman; why not another one?
I highly recommend Charlie Jade to anyone who can catch it. I watched it on SyFy a few years ago. The first couple of eps were Friday 8 pm, but then it got knocked back to Tuesday 3 am— thank God for DVR! A really worthwhile series— I think there are 20 episodes. I liked the music, too. I had no idea South African…
@Melodyannabelle: I believe she had a personality that was more ambitious than that of her "older" (more established? Lower-numbered?) sister-wives. Her turn of phrase was that "she walked over the backs of five timid women to get where she was."
@Discodave: R.O.A.C.H. M.O.T.E.L.: The geography is wonky for me, too. Leave Washington, hit Chicago, *then* Memphis? Whuh?
@Discodave: R.O.A.C.H. M.O.T.E.L.: The geography is wonky for me, too. Leave Washington, hit Chicago, *then* Memphis? Whuh?
@Brainiac21: American Puritanism and Standards and Practices.
@The_Sporean_Bob: That explains the awesome decibel-shattering parties.
@NerD:blogOtaku: It was clearly Boomer, who was a better hunter than Helo, and would go on to teach her daughter how to hunt.
@ubuntu10: YOUR RentIs2DamnHigh, too?
The first time I saw it, I caught it accidentally just before bedtime. I was instantly hooked on its weirdness and ended up staying up very late, screwing up my whole following day. Totally worth it.