"It's a powerful tool, where a silly prank can carry a lot of power."
"It's a powerful tool, where a silly prank can carry a lot of power."
@Zazzman: Exactly: things may not always work in Ubuntu, but count me as one of the people who *loves* trying to figure it out, and then 99% of the time, I can figure it out.
@chlkaufman: Whoa, dude, those are AWESOME!!! Very creative. I like the style. I don't know whether it'd be offensive or not to tell you that I could see your images in children's books (the cool ones, not the dorky ones), but that's how impressed *I* am with your stuff. Keep 'em coming! I'd buy something, but, you…
@sirmeili: Oh, good. There's nothing like being seriously ill to make you appreciate your health. And look, hey, you got better just in time for the snowpocalypse! (participant or spectator)
@sirmeili: This flue is really messing with my brain today!
@trouble-bubble: That's what I'm wondering too, same as with the roof cat story mentioned by #blumkin.
@djbite: "FAIL!: this is just stupid, if you are that tight you won't buy a candle there's really no hope for you."
@Cash907Censored: Reverse the access code? I am gonna spank you so hard, movie....
Step 1: Get a lot of money
I hope all that money will go to a site revamp. Too much unnecessary crap, not enough captioned photos. I moved ICHC from coveted "toolbar icon" status to regular bookmark status. It's been months since I've visited there.
Like permanently living at the beach... sand everywhere, in everything. Maybe with tile flooring it wouldn't be such a BFD, but with hardwood floors.... unimaginable.
@mythbri: Hidden dangers in YOUR kitchen cabinets. Are your children in danger? Will your family survive?
Snake Oil.
@BrtStlnd: You're right; I missed that in my haste to lambaste you. I apologize.
@BrtStlnd: "Women rarely have any real hobbies or things they enjoy doing BY THEMSELVES". Are you sure enough to back up that fact with a number, such as "100% of women"? Or is this maybe your opinion, which needs a modifier like "some women" or maybe even "most women"?
@NefariousNewt: Makes you wonder how these people were able to make millions when they (usually) interact with the public to some extent in order to earn that money. I guess professional =/= personal when it comes to life.
@LegitScammer: or some seismic activity....
This is a plot to get folks to use the "I Feel Lucky" button.
@sicboi: Best of luck with the extension building process!
@wreath of lights: Sounds like the perfect landing place for just such a "gift".