
I'd really like to see what Erika has to say about this friendship from her point of view. I don't believe that someone writing in to an advice columnist is capable of giving a complete, unbiased picture of what's going on.

He probably got one too many nagging phone calls in the bullpen from a critical-disguised-as-helpful FIL who has satellite TV.

Tools—Page Info—Media—Click through list to find image—copy URL—open URL—save image (Ubuntu 10.04)

@rocknrollunicorn: I'm sure Hoyt's mama will love her, but I can't shake that comment about how she can't wait to get fat after she had a couple of kids. Folks don't usually *plan* that.

@Confuzius: I wonder if it could do pasta sheets, then cut/size to the type of pasta desired. I guess long spaghetti noodles would be out.

@David Liu: It's so much fun to watch people struggle to take off their huge workboots every time they want to come in for a drink of water or to use the restroom.

Ambassador for Wool engages in back-door diplomacy yet again!

@Th12eat: So where do ascii images rank?

@chizelord: Another reason why North Korea is Best Korea.

@SomeWonder: This is why discreet book covers could be such a hot seller... a nice moleskine number, neutral colors. Make it look like a Bible.

@thatgirlmay: Maybe it was a hotel or relative's chair and they just didn't care. Although why they would have a giant watermelon in a hotel is hard to imagine.

That looked like a nice chair, too... why put a sticky, wet fruit on nice upholstery?

@HelloKitty: Wait, can one babysit one's own children?

@Black Rebel Telecomic Club: The only Wegman's with which I have personal experience is Binghamton, NY (and one near Rochester, but I can't be more specific as to its location) and it's *fabulous*. A couple-three times a year we travel down there for an "adventure" (seriously).

I wish there were a way to indicate "I am leaving without buying" when leaving a place of business, like a time clock sort of thing. Corporate and mgmt. really need to understand that they have NO CLUE about how to lull folks into buying things. Instead, they only aggravate and lose sales. In my case, I keep my

@Acquanetta: I'mma axe you if you wanna conversate about this maybe.

@Keitha11: In the early 90's I got a PT job at a small/conservative/"normal" clothing store in a tiny ag/tech college town. Mgmt. instructed us to approach shoppers as soon as they came in to see if they needed help. If there were 2 0r 3 SAs on the floor, the same shopper might be approached multiple times. I