
So what about children/Infants? Is there a way to test these on them? At what stage is does our brain start taking over and making assumptions? I wonder if there has ever been a study about this.

This is so BAMF I cannot even describe. I live in Dallas, work in IT, only own one pair of boots, but dear lord I would be so cool in this truck... :'(

Love it. EXCEPT IT DOESN'T SAY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! I'm so disappoint that its so hard to bring in trucks that aren't made by the big 3. :(

This is nuts. This I35 construction has killed many people, and this only one example. This is outrageous.

This is so beautiful to me. Acres of wood and leather... mmmm

Is that because they're on the other side of the equator?

Does Ford know they put this on the wrong side?

RSW - Fort Myers, Florida....

Pipeline the water from where though? You would be stealing someone's water, and if you're paying for it, it is very expensive over the long term.

There is going to be quite a bit of resistance.

Is this one of those tandum bikes?

It is almost like an Axis deer, but not quite. WE MUST KNOW THE TRUTH

I really wish my Prius could take a gas/oil mix, life would be so simple.

Quite the unusual deer to pick..

My mind just exploded

I think factory reset works too.

At first I thought this was the Jeremy Clarkson edition

What are the rules for Active duty military types shipping things over?

Hot Damn look at that Turbo!!!