
Sexily-dressed female fans at tournaments harm their image but pornified female characters in the game don't...somehow.

As always, I have to laugh heartily at the, "But, but it's CENSORSHIP!" Because a company making rules for it's own private event is totes censorship, yo.

I see no issues with this. Why wouldn't people who like the Dead or Alive franchise for the game play not want it to be more popular and taken more serious? Tournaments turn off items during Smash Bros, ban certain levels and limit the fights mostly to one on one battles. That is not how smash bros was designed to

What I liked about it was Morrison was willing to linger on the idea that the Freedom Fighters are, in this reality, perceived as terrorists. He writes them as, if not bad guys, definitely anti-heroes. It's a nice touch.

That would have been great...

Good thing it's a videogame and not a comic, and in terms of gameplay Sacarecrow has had the best implementation in this franchise .... by far.

While I've liked all the batman games (yes, including origins), It's mostly because of the gameplay. The plot hasn't been very good in any of them so I'd rather they get a bad

I'll give you that traditional Scarecrow from things like DC comics and TAS is kind of lame.

But Arkham Universe Scarecrow? That dude is pretty cool.

So I know it looks 'worse' by comparison to the TV, but does it end up looking noticeably bad in its own right?

Yeah, the GamePad really should've been 720p. I like the GamePad just fine as it is, and the 480p resolution actually works well for watching older TV shows on Netflix, but it seems like an odd misstep for Nintendo to make an expensive tablet controller as the showcase item for their new home console and then only

Oh god yes re memory cards.

You are spot on. The Vita's great, it just sucks they jumped ship so soon and damn those memory cards to hell...

That all depends really. Personally, I would love a new handheld from Sony. The Vita is an amazing device that Sony has unfortunately all but abandoned, at least in regards to how they initially marketed the system.

No it is clear that Sony doesn't have the triple AAA support they thought they did on their handheld. The PSP did well because it was well supported by First Party but look at the Vita even a year ago they stopped pushing E3 or any gaming convention with news on games to come. Bioshock Vita? An amazing idea but never

To risk venturing into this topic for the billionth time...

Then I suppose you are not one of the "many players" described.

"For $75, get the basic pack. Upgrade to $100 for knives, and $150 gets you some guns. For $200, get the 'all-in-one' pack."

All the hype about this game and I'm sitting here playing their other new release:

"People will buy it anyway because they have a New 3DS and want something to show off on it, and there's not really anything else."

While that sentiment certainly has value, there's a difference between a nipple and spanking scantily clad children.

Dude seriously who fucking plays these games.