
I would be aware if I was scent sensitive. I suspect I would not find it as strongly scented if I found the scent pleasant. Scent is pretty personal. To me, it smells like old-lady potpourri.

I would be aware if I was scent sensitive. I suspect I would not find it as strongly scented if I found the scent

I think your comment did more for capturing the spirit of the time than anything in the article did for a young person like me who never saw the original live.

Be careful. It’s a good product, but it makes the shower slippery.

Be careful. It’s a good product, but it makes the shower slippery.

Exactly. I divorced a man that I found out had been going on Craigslist having sex with strangers—both men and women—for our entire marriage. I had no idea at all. Not even an inkling. I definitely didn’t know he was bisexual, and I didn’t know he was cheating on me. I told someone about it once and they refused to

Stories like this are just so tragic, and depressingly common. People are so capable of hiding things that when loved ones find out the truth it’s devastating. Like, maybe they knew that their spouse had a bit of a problem turning off the internet at night before bed, but who would presume that that was because they

Someone painted, “pumpkin spice is people” outside my starbucks.

Sign number eight bajillion and seventy-eleventh that I’m a blackhearted bitch: When I saw the green cups this morning, I was legitimately delighted when I realized how many people were going to be PIIIIISSED at the lack of red cups right now.

I understand what you’re saying. I think the headline here is a bit misleading. It’s too late to edit the comment, so I’ll just amend it here: So he isn’t blaming her for the violence, he’s blaming her for overreacting to his violence. Typical hysterical woman, blowing a tiny thing out of proportion. (Checks all of

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!