I will never be this good at Rocket League.
I will never be this good at Rocket League.
I think the fact that everyone in the movie approached it seriously really sells what they’re doing. This movie is essentially a D&D campaign but with only three party members. Think about it. They raid two dungeons and a temple. The main character gets his fighting abilities from his time as a gladiator and his…
Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women. I’ve used this quote more than I should in every day conversation...
Once you go down that type of F2P shithole and start treating your customers like enemies you can fight with metrics, then there’s no reason to treat your employees any better than your customers, since those are disposable metric meatbags too. This is all the Zynga playbook.
This whole comment is vaguely disturbing in a dystopian sort of way.
Not sure what’s wrong with that guys vault, my dwellers are always pregnant, always happy, and always working.
4.7% of workers, sir.
Also, your (inaccurate) point is barely on topic, given that this isn’t really about what “the biggest employers in America” are looking for, rather just employers in general.
Can you explain what makes NV better than 3? Curious to hear thoughts.
This game is basically Farmville, but way deeper and without the Facebook requests.
And yet people will still complain
Fallout 3 still looks good imo.
Frittata. I usually have bacon, some kind of leafy greens in the freezer, and then always eggs.
Pregnancy Tests.
I have set aside liquid cash that should cover me for 4 months. That money will only be used if I get shitcanned, it’s in a money market account. I also have 7 months worth in a Roth IRA that I can get to if things get dire. On the non-emergency side, I have an online savings account with about 16 months saved toward…
The best thing I did for my health was to splurge on a mattress. Seriously - when I moved a couple of years ago, my father was helping me with some of my furniture decisions, and he made this very point: you spend so much time in bed that it doesn't make sense to opt for the cheapest, most uncomfortable mattress you…