“Give them a nice red border”
I’m old enough that choosing the color red in reference to Russia has added meaning to me.
“Give them a nice red border”
I’m old enough that choosing the color red in reference to Russia has added meaning to me.
My line of the night (I literally applauded when I heard it):
I’ll be honest, Steins death made me tear up but Jax delivering the news to his family opened the flood gate.
My line of the night: “General, would you care to step outside?”
My lines of the night would have been Supergirl’s callback to Superman II, followed by Thawne telling Felicity she wasn’t remembered by history. And then, of course, pretty much everything that came out of Mick’s mouth.
Basically they made evil!Supergirl a general just so they could give her that line.
After seeing it last season, I didn’t think it would make an appearance again, especially not in a budget blow-out like this was. I was totally giddy when she showed up on it.
Seeing Caitlin roll-up to the fight with her ice slide was a highlight for me.
How this is ANYTHING but “General, would you care to step outside?” For fuck’s sake Rob, she even struck the Reeve pose! If there was a flagpole to stand on I think she would’ve done that as well!
No love for Caitlin’s ice slide? It’s taken three seasons, but Killer Frost one of the cooler characters in the CW-verse.
Yeah. That was a pure moment of awesome!
If the CW edits this into movie form, I’ll buy it right now. Download, dvd, vhs, beta...whatever they want.
Line of the night:
Also, Supergirl hovering outside Nazi waverider and saying “General, would you care to step outside?”
Line (Exchange) of the Night #4:
Mick: You hit that?
Sara: Shut up. ::smack::
Line of the night 3
I had that as my No. 1 pick.
“After reviewing the research out there, they determined that there’s no robust, reproducible evidence backing homeopathy’s effectiveness for any of the diseases it’s supposed to treat.”
This is just...wrong. How are they so bad at this? Superman is a symbol of hope! HOPE! Superman should be showing up in their darkest hour, when they need him most, bringing hope when the other heroes believe they are beaten. This is what he does, it’s who he is, it’s the reason why you put Superman in a movie in the…