He’s a big Woody Allen defender (he’s appeared in his movies) which tells me everything I need to know about the kind of person he is.
He’s a big Woody Allen defender (he’s appeared in his movies) which tells me everything I need to know about the kind of person he is.
Is everyone forgetting that there is still a pandemic going on? No one should be flying from Texas to Cancun even if there was not a state of emergency.
I could never get the motion controls to work properly. I remember one move where you had to thrust your sword to the sky and I could never get the motion right the first time. Also the “dousing” motion was super annoying. But the storyline was cool, especially love the robot level so would be down for an update.
I think I grew up in an unusual household where my parents split household duties. My mom did the cooking but by dad did (and continues to do) all the cleaning and laundry. I don’t remember my mom ever nagging my dad to take out the garbage or do the dishes (more likely they were both nagging me and my brother to chip…
In Vancouver, where I live, there have been several COVID-19 outbreaks in spin studios, so much so that our top medical officer calls them “dangerous.” The last place I would want to be right now is in a sweaty room, using a bike that who knows how well was sanitized. Hopefully this is the final straw for SoulCycle…
I’ve been working from home since the pandemic hit, and the best part is that I take regular lunchtime naps. I never want to go back to the office.
So, I guess the million or so people who have died from coronavirus around the world just weren’t “manly” enough to fight it. I see. This is so incredibly disrespectful, especially to people who lost loved ones to the virus.
I’m sure the right will tout this as a victory for women- look, a female judge on the Court! Sadly, just because she is a woman doesn’t mean she will make decisions that benefit all women (see: abortion).
Is America even a democracy anymore?
Oh look, another book by one of Trump’s cronies who was outraged by his behaviour but obviously not enough so to actually do something about it while they still had their job.
Yes, but RBG is old and has had many health problems and has been in and out of hospital many times so there is a rational reason for the “protect RBG” rhetoric. Whereas there is no indication that Simone Biles, an Olympic athlete can’t swim.
Orthodontics can’t fix misogyny, which is incels’ real problem.
How about anyone who wants to wear a fucking strawberry dress can wear a fucking strawberry dress.
You would think this would be a major wake-up call to covid deniers and anti-maskers, but nope, they are just doubling down on the ignorance.
Imagine being so self-centered and narcissistic that you think a GLOBAL pandemic is a personal dig at you.
I watched the Marsha P. Johnson documentary on Netflix recently and was brought to tears when Sylvia Rivera spoke at a gay pride event and was booed by the crowd of mostly cis gay men. It broke my heart when she was passionately talking about how trans women were literally being murdered and were unsafe and there was…
The most logical answer is that they went swimming, then back on the boat. She put her son down for a nap and then went back in the water without him. I won’t speculate on her intent of doing that.
I laughed at the idea of trying to attract Gen Z with Reese Witherspoon and Chrissy Teigen! Like do they know their audience at all? There is a whole generation of Tik Tok stars that I'm sure the people at Quibi have no idea about.
Go fuck yourself, Ryan Adams. This public apology is 100% an attempt at career redemption and has nothing to do with making amends with the women he has abused.
Let’s be honest, a lot of Jada’s fame is because she’s married to Will. No shade to her acting abilities, but like you said, she’s not exactly working a lot these days.