Manda Webb

I did the whole silly film "who will win" for every major award show out there. I was almost 10 when I started writing them all out. My house burned down the night I went to see the Lion King rerelease in 1996 during Christmas so I lost all of it but I would make brackets then go talk to all my friends who loved

hahaha I know who she was. I swear to god we were running the underground railroad for Degrassi episodes for those who refused to wait for the N to show them or refused to put up with VIacom's block on the content of the show.

correcto! He did such an amazing job with a part/role that could have easily gone overboard or "full retard" to quote "Tropic Thunder". I don't mean he was mentally retarded but that too many actors see the words "brain damaged and assume the best way to play it out is to go way beyond what most people with that

when I saw him walking around as we walked in, I squealed and said something like "OMG IT'S SNAKE AND JOEY!!!" Seriously I sounded all of 14 years old when I did yell that loud enough everyone stopped what they were doing.
Pat (Joey) and Stefan (Snake) were two of the nicest fucking people I've ever met. I made a

What about Christina Yang on "Grey's Anatomy"? I ask this, god help me, because up until late last year I'd never seen the show. But pregnant at 36, disabled, and bedridden, this show was on tv and all the sudden I was hooked. But so many want to be the Merediths of the world, I was utterly fascinated with Christina.

Did you snag it from a Yahoo group, on soulseek, or from some oddly obsessive older woman in her 20's hosting it on her website?

Like when Lenny from Law and Order died, people contacted me to make sure I was ok when Wheels died.
I take my tv shows a bit hard man.

Oh he never totally stayed mute. Emma went to meet him and he went all crazy on her.

are you wanting old school Degrassi or the newer ones? I ask because I'd fucking adore both :)

depending where you lived, it was banned big time. I lived in Texas but still got a copy.

God help me for sharing this, but I'm old enough to remember the very first episode Degrassi Junior High did on abortion. It aired on PBS here in Texas and was almost immediately yanked out of most markets. I wrote to various state political leaders as well as to the networks, letting them know that even the youngest

I just kept saying "HOLY SHIT!!" over and over. God I love this show.

now now, we have to split those as my death metal band that only performs covers of Phil Collins songs is named Utopian Slut Palace.

seriously I adore her hair now.

Lousy Smark Fodder is the name of my Reggae band that only performs covers of Kajagoogoo songs.


Utopian Slut Palace is the name of my Death Metal band that only performs covers of Phil Collins songs damn it.

as much as the other speeches in movies like "The Great Dictator" and others here, I have to go with 3 speeches that have won me more free movie passes offered by the local radio stations. First, we have Alec Baldwin's God complex speech in "Malice" comes in the first place for sheer ticket winning total. 2nd is

my grandma was very big on old movies and my grandpa served in the navy in WW2. This was something I watched all throughout my childhood and teen years. It was something so important to them that I saw what goodness there was in Chaplin and then had to realize how horrible the government here treated him during the

Hot damn, this episode was so much for me. It was more epic and grand than episodes of Dallas I watched as a child (or rewatch now). It did everything right in the way that the Following did everything wrong with their ending for their first season.
The emotions shown by all the game players was so raw and so real. I